Cartel Spacer (25)
Plasma Torpedoes (7)
Ship total: 32 Half Points: 16 Threshold: 2
Cartel Spacer (25)
Plasma Torpedoes (7)
Ship total: 32 Half Points: 16 Threshold: 2
Cartel Spacer (25)
Plasma Torpedoes (7)
Ship total: 32 Half Points: 16 Threshold: 2
Sunny Bounder (27)
XX-23 S-Thread Tracers (2)
Ship total: 29 Half Points: 15 Threshold: 2
Cartel Spacer (25)
XX-23 S-Thread Tracers (2)
Ship total: 27 Half Points: 14 Threshold: 2
Mining Guild Surveyor (23)
Marg Sabl Closure (1)
Ship total: 24 Half Points: 12 Threshold: 2
Mining Guild Surveyor (23)
Marg Sabl Closure (1)
Ship total: 24 Half Points: 12 Threshold: 2
Total: 200
Been thinking of various ways to make use of the buff to ordnance that came with the latest points change, and some of the new upgrades. This looks promising. 7 ships, two attempts to get the locks for double modded plasmas, and some strain to make the locks more likely to stick in the first place.