So, had a question. Say i have Raddus on profundity with a flag bridge. Before deployment, raddus puts away another 75, and profundity puts away a cr90. During the game, everything goes fine, saving evaisive action or what have you for the opportune moment. At the start of a later round, profundity drops in the cr90, and raddus scoots over to it via profunditys second and seemingly oft overlooked ability. Then from his new flagship (since the admiral is on it), he uses his ability to pop in the other 75 (good ol At the start of the ship phase, is profundity, which was originally the flagship during list building, able to use TEA,IFF, etc, or is it ineligible since it is no longer the flagship? Thanks all, good sailing.
When is a flagship no longer a flagship?
The restriction on Flag Bridge is part of fleet building. So when you are designing your list the ship has to be the flagship for you to put Flag Bridge on it, but once there it is fine. Same goes for things like removing upgrades that add upgrade slots. Fleet building conditions only apply at the start of the game (with the explicit exception of Profundity, which has an "if able" restriction on moving officers and commanders to the deployed ship).
Edited by GrumbledukeGrumbleduke has it correct in that in this case, the restriction is only for the initial fleet build of the ship, if the commander is moved later, Flag Bridge continues to work the same.
Excellent, much appreciated guys, thanks for the input