Push a token is an action? Lothal, "Call to action"

By Yuna1979, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions


in the first mission of Tyrants of Lothal, "Call to action", we read this:

"The imperial mission token represents the shipment. Once during their activation, a hero on or adjacent to the shipment may push the shipment 1 space ".

This push requires an action (interaction)? Or it is free?

Thanks for your help.

Be literal. It doesn't say it costs an action, so it doesn't cost an action. It's also not an interact. It's a during-your-activation ability.

The ability can be used once during their activation - meaning before or after actions, a hero that is on the same space or adjacent space to the shipment may Push the shipment 1 space.

Ok, it's just as I imagined.
Thanks very much.