Line of Sight and Cover Rules - New Player

By robertpolson, in Star Wars: Legion

As a new player, what is the best way to learn about Line of Sight and Cover rules?

The Learn to Play Book is out of date since the Rules Reference Guide 2.01 uses the Silhouette rule for LOS.

Are these help files still relevant?

- Legion Terrain Help Page
- Line of Sight Rules 2.1

I would recommend downloading the Rules Reference Guide from the FFG Legion page (if you haven't already).

*Line of sight is used to determine if one mini can see another
mini. A player determines line of sight from the perspective of
a mini, using a viewpoint where the center of the mini’s base
meets the top of the mini’s sculpt. If a player can see part of
an opponent’s mini, which includes that mini’s base, from that
viewpoint, that player’s mini has line of sight to that opponent’s
• If a mini does not have line of sight to another mini, line of
sight is blocked.*(rrg pg 55)

Cover mechanics are a bit more involved and are seen on page 31-32 of the RRG. In a nutshell though; terrain and vehicles provide cover when defending against ranged attacks. A LOT of things can contribute to how much cover a unit has when defending against a ranged attack.

I was thinking of learning the game using the silhouette rules. Some of the models that I am painting are slightly elevated from the base as I added some green stuff for terrain texture. Will this elevation affect the game if I will be using from the perspective of the mini LOS rules?

I ordered the S ilhouette template from Etsy. I think I will be using the silhouette to learn the game. Thank you for the link. I will read the article.

Edited by robertpolson