Hello fellow GMs!
My player group is leaning into starship and vehicle combat. I know the rules say that NPC ships of Sil 3 and below (that are not plot-valuable) explode instantly. And that all ships Sil 4 and higher become drifting hulks.
(1) How would you handle PC snub fighters that exceed Hull Trauma - IN SPACE? (and are not insta-blown up by the over-HT crit roll)
(2) How would you handle PC ships (of any size) that exceed Hull Trauma IN ATMOSPHERE or that are in a gravitational pull of a planet when they go over? Assuming the over-HT crit roll does not have them blowing up, I kinda would like to give them a desperation roll to make a controlled / crash landing and avoid a fiery death... ala Luke in Ep V, or even Mando on the ice planet... so should that roll be based on Piloting (whichever), using the usual Silhouette / Speed mechanics? Upgraded for unresponsive controls?
(3) How much damage should PCs take in a crash landing? Should they take the equivalent of "falling" damage based on a successful or unsuccessful attempt to crash land? Perhaps modified by whether they are "strapped in" to the cockpit vs. somewhere in a corridor, etc?
Thx in advance,
GM Khyrith