What If...

By BrickDaniels, in Star Wars: Armada

The Interdictor Combat Refit had a different upgrade profile?

Commander Palpatine and General Madine cost 5 points less?

The Vic I and II / AF MkII A (especially) and B cost 5 - 10 points less?

Tagge's ability could be set for consecutive rounds?

Point-Defense Reroute lost its 'close range' qualifier?

Cluster Bombs exhausted and required a token to refresh?

Malee Hurra lost the 'and you are engaged by 1 or fewer squadrons' qualifier?

E-Wings and Lancers cost the same as X-Wings?

Major Rhymer and Gar Saxon cost 3 points less?

Aggressors and YV-666s had their speeds increased by 1?

Gauntlet Fighters cost 15 points?

Contain had DCO's ability built in?

Liaisons and 6 pt. command officers, unused faction-specific officers, Sensor Team, Veteran Gunners, Engineering Team, Nav Team, Advanced Transponder Net, Quad Laser Turrets, Rapid Launch Bays, Jamming Field, Repair Crews, Redundant Shields, Expanded Launchers, Rapid Reload, High-Capacity Ion Turbines, NK-7 Ion Cannons, Overload Pulse, SW-7s, DTTs, Enhanced Armament, Heavy Fire Zone, HTTs, QTCs, Slaved Turrets, XX-9s, Avenger, Devastator, Insidious, Impetuous, Instigator, Corruptor, Dominator, Warlord, Gallant Haven, Paragon, Dodonna's Pride, and Independence cost 20% - 50% less?

I don't know. I probably don't have the time either. I'd like to find out though. What did I miss?

Reading this back helps me realize just how well balanced the game is right now. Well done to everyone involved! Your work has helped make this game one of the many joys of my life over the last 5 and a half years.

I had an idea for Independence:

(Squad Command): You may exhaust this card. If you do, each squadron you activate may increase its speed to 4.

(Requires a Squad token to ready)

If this ends up being too powerful, perhaps a clause can be added that requires the activated squads treat their attacks as obstructed?

I like it.

On 12/10/2020 at 10:33 PM, BrickDaniels said:

I had an idea for Independence:

(Squad Command): You may exhaust this card. If you do, each squadron you activate may increase its speed to 4.

(Requires a Squad token to ready)

If this ends up being too powerful, perhaps a clause can be added that requires the activated squads treat their attacks as obstructed?

This sounds like an excellent fix.

I don't think it would be too powerful when compared to a card like All Fighters Follow Me. New Independence would be:

  • Same cost to use per round. (1 squad token per round but 1 free use)
  • 3 points more expensive
  • A little stronger for speed 2 squads (the main squads you want it for). Equal for speed 3 & useless for speed 4.
  • Affects less squads then AFFM
  • Tied to a single ship in fleetbuilding (Pelta for AFFM vs. MC80H for Independence)

I think this would be fair for Independence.

I like your cluster bombs idea as well.

It really seems like the token rules from clone wars could bring a lot of too weak/too strong cards back into balance.

Refreshing Cluster Bombs? Oh my 😋