Count Dooku and rolling "dice"

By player655164, in X-Wing Rules Questions


I played with someone the other day who claimed that I could not use Dooku's ability for 1-agility defense rolls, thermal detonators, obstacle effects, etc... because in each case you only roll a single "die" and not plural "dice" as the card reads.

The way I understand it, Dooku has traditionally been understood as being able to modify single-due obstacle effects, or used to beef the Sith Infiltrator's 1-agility by guaranteeing an evade. Is there any legitimacy to the claim that since Dooku reads "attack or defense dice" it require at least two dice?


No. It has never been the case where a single Die and multiple Dice were treated as separate.

There's no legitimacy to your opponent's claim. Nowhere in the rules reference, or any of the cards I have seen, is the term 'die roll' used as a seperate concept from the act of rolling multiple dice. If it was intended, the document would have to define rolling attack die/dice, defence die/dice etc. It doesn't.

I would venture your opponent was being overly pedantic in an attempt to give themselves an advantage, rather than honestly believing what they were arguing.

That's insanely pendantic. It should be noted that Rebel Han Solo uses similar wording to Dooku "After you roll dice.." and that one is specifically mentioned in the Q&A as affecting other rolls "such as the roll to determine if a ship suffers damage from overlapping or moving through an asteroid." In short, your opponent is either just being pedantic for the sake of being pedantic, or was trying to cheat.

49 minutes ago, missileaway said:

That's insanely pendantic. It should be noted that Rebel Han Solo uses similar wording to Dooku "After you roll dice.." and that one is specifically mentioned in the Q&A as affecting other rolls "such as the roll to determine if a ship suffers damage from overlapping or moving through an asteroid." In short, your opponent is either just being pedantic for the sake of being pedantic, or was trying to cheat.

Thanks everyone!

And this is just what I was looking for! I was hoping to have some text-based reference in the rules for future reference, and the Han clarification seems perfect! Without a clear reference I'm afraid of getting stuck in the "well the card reads 'dice'" circle with nothing to back myself up...


5 hours ago, player655164 said:

I was hoping to have some text-based reference in the rules for future reference, and the Han clarification seems perfect! Without a clear reference I'm afraid of getting stuck in the "well the card reads 'dice'" circle with nothing to back myself up...

In this case, the someone you played with needs the text-based reference to support his claim.

Also, since we are talking about dice rolling...

You can Roll 'zero dice' - Meaning, if you go though modifiers or just naturally do not have any defense dice to roll (such as sometimes the case with the VCX-100 Light Freighter or VT-49 Decimator) You STILL go though the 'Roll Defense Dice" step and any ability that would trigger from rolling defense dice would still occur. For reference, Rules Reference page 34


... Therefore if a ship would roll fewer than 0 dice due to the modifiers that have been applied, it always rolls 0 defense dice instead

(cut out most of the question, but this is the relevant bit)
Notice the roll does still occur, even if you are not physically, actually rolling dice. This means that, in the most *technical sense*, Dooku would still trigger after rolling zero dice. The catch is, there would be no results to change so he would have no effect, but the *trigger* itself, still occurs.

(someone can correct me if im wrong, but im pretty sure its accurate).

I'm going to say that it's not even pedantic, because any proper pedantic gamer would know that using dice (rather than die) as a singular is a long-standing piece of usage. Sometimes it's even dice and dices for singular and plural. The concept that "dice" could not be singular is massively grammatically incorrect.

Anyhow, your opponent was full of bantha fodder.

On top of this, if a card has a limit on the number of dice involved, it'll say. The way that C-3PO was revised in 2e vs 1e shows FFG wasn't shy in making exceptions where the effect wouldn't be balanced.

Edited by theBitterFig