Multiple uses of Yoda pilot ability

By AdmiralWeeG, in X-Wing Rules Questions

Question for the game designers...

If I have a list that contains a Jedi Knight (Aethersprite 7B) and Yoda (ETA-2). The a Jedi Knight attacks at range 1 and rolls 4 eyes. After he spends his 1 force to change a die, Yoda can then spend a force to regenerate the Jedi's. Can the Jedi then spend it during the same attack? If so, can they keep doing it for all 4 dice?

Short answer is no.


Hmmmm.... depends on if this is a once per opportunity situation or if force is spent as a single event each time per focus result.

Edited by JBFancourt

Once per opportunity applies to the spending of force charges for the default effect of modifying attack/defense dice.

1 hour ago, Maui. said:

Once per opportunity applies to the spending of force charges for the default effect of modifying attack/defense dice.

Confirmed on Rules Reference pg 8.


While it performs an attack, a ship can spend any number of [force] during the Attack Dice step to change that number of its [focus] results to [hit] results.

Force and Calculate spend and modify dice during the modify dice step at a single opportunity, no matter how many are spent. You do not spend them 'one at a time' for the default effect.

That said, if a force is spent for a different ability (ie, not the default effect), that is its own opportunity and separate from spending it for the default effect.

Edited by Lyianx

That is to say, if one had Aayla Secura equipped with Brilliant Evasion, and she had one active Force, and were fired upon, and rolled eye/eye/eye on defense, she could modify one eye to an evade with her Force charge, use Yoda to regenerate it, then use the Force to flip the other two eyes to evades as well with Brilliant Evasion, since it is not the default effect.