With other systems, using things like Challenge Ratings, I like to think I could calculate the scale of an encounter; if I was running Saga Edition Star Wars, I probably have a good idea what a TIE fighter is worth, challenge-wise, and thus how many a group of x-level players can handle. With AoR, I'm less certain. A Star Destroyer is a massive threat, and even if it stayed mostly as a background element, and the fight stayed mostly fighters v. fighters, said Star Destroyer can spew forth a fair number of TIE fighters, whether the Rebels have cruiser filled with fighters, or just one squadron of X-Wings happened to stumble upon a roving SD, and don't jump away fast enough.
I'm trying to envision how I'd conduct a specific fight. In my scenario, some number of Rebel fighters, possibly X-Wings or B-Wings, encounter the Chimera, commanded by Grand Admiral Thrawn. Now, normally, even Thrawn's ship is just a Star Destroyer, but I'd probably see if there were a couple of good Talents he could use, as the commander of a capital ship, to inflate its abilities, or it would have his Adversary benefits, but the primary "surprise" would be that at least some of the fighters aboard the Chimera would be the vaunted TIE Defenders, which would sally forth to engage Rebel pilots. Since they are criminally expensive, he'd still have some regular TIE Fighters/Interceptors to round out his squadrons, and maybe a few TIE Bombers to deploy a few turns into the battle, to go try and wreck their capital ship, if they have one, hoping they are distracted by the Defenders. The problem? I don't know how many fighters would just become ridiculous for a party to face, on average. With squadron rules, even a fair number of fighters can become just a few, with upped stats and health, but I don't know how you decide how many TIEs is too many, and my imagination of the epic clash to try and challenge the Grand Admiral isn't helping. Can anyone give me some idea of how this rules set figures out how big an encounter can be, and still be fair? I'm sure some of it "How many players do you have? How qualified are they? What kind of ships are they flying?", but if there is at least some baseline of how many enemy fighters for each PC fighter available, that would still help.
As an aside, are there any Talents in the Commodore tree, or some other, that might help a Thrawn-like character with a capital ship, or several? I wouldn't be looking for something to just hammer the players into submission, but there is a vibe I'd want to maintain of Thrawn's impressive skill with tactics, especially in space engagements, and he would have the benefits of at least one Star Destroyer.
Thanks much, and please have a wonderful day!