Hey, does anyone with Iden Versio remember where the clear flight stand for the remote drone was located in the box? i.e. was it loose in the box or does it come in a bag? My box is missing the stand and I suspect it made its way out the bottom of the box in shipping, as the characters don't come sealed in plastic wrap. I'm going to have to hit up my FLGS to get a replacement due to Asmodee's crappy policy. I'm actually surprised that it isn't against the law to not provide replacement parts. Worst case I'll cut up an acrylic dowel, but this Asmodee support/parts policy sucks.
Iden Versio: missing stand for the drone?
if my memory serves me correctly it came in a lone baggie, about 3cm x 3cm, which was then loose in the box.
Thanks. I definitely didn’t have that in the box...just the tiny bag for the bases and the big bag for the cards/tokens.
12 hours ago, Digitalfiends said:Hey, does anyone with Iden Versio remember where the clear flight stand for the remote drone was located in the box? i.e. was it loose in the box or does it come in a bag? My box is missing the stand and I suspect it made its way out the bottom of the box in shipping, as the characters don't come sealed in plastic wrap. I'm going to have to hit up my FLGS to get a replacement due to Asmodee's crappy policy. I'm actually surprised that it isn't against the law to not provide replacement parts. Worst case I'll cut up an acrylic dowel, but this Asmodee support/parts policy sucks.
If you have any of the new curved flight stands left over from other Legion models (if you play any of the other factions) ID10 actually looks way better on those.
1 hour ago, KommanderKeldoth said:If you have any of the new curved flight stands left over from other Legion models (if you play any of the other factions) ID10 actually looks way better on those.
Hmm I’ll have to go through my parts bin but I don’t recall having any extra flight stands...what units are those from? I’m guessing Clan Wren and Darth Maul?
Edited by DigitalfiendsClan Wren, Arc troopers, STAPs, and Maul as far as I remember.
Yep. This same thing happened to me. Did you buy off of Amazon by chance? I ended up just cutting a long enough piece off of the sprue, cutting it down on the end to fit in the model, and used green stuff/super glue to get it on the base. Looks just fine.
No, I got it from my FLGS. I’ll probably just use an 1/8” acrylic dowel shaved down to fit or something. I’ve got to go pick up something from my FLGS anyhow.
X-wing or GW flight stands would work as well.
The ffg stands are actually horrible for the STAP droids.
Stopped by my LGS and he had another Iden Versio. We opened it up and that box was missing the flight stand too. So perhaps a batch of mispacks? He’s going to contact Asmodee to get it resolved. I picked up Darth Maul while there and we checked for missing parts just to be sure...surprisingly there are 4 flight stands in there on a sprue, so I can probably just use one of those.
Edited by Digitalfiends11 hours ago, Digitalfiends said:surprisingly there are 4 flight stands in there on a sprue, so I can probably just use one of those.
To be fair Maul's probe droids need three of them, and it seems that they now are just putting that same sprue in with any unit that needs more than 1 flight stand. STAPs only need two stands but they come with the same 4-stand sprue.
26 minutes ago, Lochlan said:To be fair Maul's probe droids need three of them, and it seems that they now are just putting that same sprue in with any unit that needs more than 1 flight stand. STAPs only need two stands but they come with the same 4-stand sprue.
Oh I didn’t realize the STAPs come with 4 of them too. I guess that makes sense and having extras is always a good thing in case they break.
I just picked up a STAP while I was at my LGS...surprised that he had some to be honest. Now if I could just find ARC troopers!