I have run the adventure in the Beginner Game for my players, and after I run the follow-up adventure I am going to start a new campaign. I want all the player characters to serve a single lord in the Crab Clan. Does anyone have any experience or advice in running single lord games? What is a good rank for a lord? I feel like a magistrate is too low, but the Crab Clan Champion is too high. Would members of other families in the clan serve the lord, or would members of the lord's family go to other families' schools? Are there any schools in other clans that a member of the Crab Clan is likely to have attended? Like the Shinjo Outrider School for a member of the Hiruma family. What are ways a member of another clan might come to serve the Crab Clan; ambassadors, hostages, spouses? What about members of the Falcon Clan? Any other types of characters that might work for this type of campaign? I want the campaign to focus more on internal Crab Clan lands and matters, with the occasional game session taking place in the Shadowlands or the lands of another clan. Lastly, anything I should keep in mind about the Crab Clan's situation whether internally or externally?