By NairoD, in Star Wars: Armada Painting and Modification

Hello my dear Republic and Separatists players.

Lots of us received our first squadron boxes.

As covid struck us with luck of table games we had opportunity to expand our hobby in other direction.

Because of this I proudly announce contest for best painted squadron in following categories:

- bomber squadron (any squadron possessing bomber keyword)

- swarm squadron (any squadron possessing swarm keyword)

- wild ace (any squadron not possessing previous mentioned keywords but not having defence tokens)

- legendary squadron (any squadron possessing defence tokens)

Please post your works in your own dedicated topics with prefix [CWC] with added topic title.

Each participants may sign one painted squadron in each category

Time to finish our works is till 04JAN2021.

Afther that I will ask whole community to vote in dedicated topic.


For all participants there is one prize glory and fame in entire galaxy dor painting your badass squadrons. From winners of each category we will made cut. Winner of the cut will receive one of my spare promo cards

Edited by NairoD

Reserved for first category

Reserved for second category

Reserved for third category

Reserved for rourth category

Completely unrelated to the second category, of course: does anyone have a favorite from these concepts?


Edited by The Jabbawookie

The zero paint scheme is my absolute favorite. I painted some of my rebel squadrons in IJN colors already ;) (I tried to make the second half of my squads to mimic Luftwaffe fighters)


Edited by The Jabbawookie
Nothing to see here. Move along, move along...

Just a thought, with so many people having their orders delayed do you think the due date should be pushed back some? Your call of course!

On 12/17/2020 at 7:34 PM, ArmadaMatt said:

Just a thought, with so many people having their orders delayed do you think the due date should be pushed back some? Your call of course!

Some guys who technically bought it on release date also just got it for christmas from their SO two days ago. I'm all for some extra time! πŸ˜‡

8 hours ago, TheWampa said:

Some guys who technically bought it on release date also just got it for christmas from their SO two days ago. I'm all for some extra time! πŸ˜‡

You lucky we won’t get them till some time towards the end of January.