Faction: Imperial
Commander: Admiral Screed
Assault: Rift Assault
Defense: Abandoned Mining Facility
Navigation: Hyperspace Migration
Onager Star Destroyer (110)
• Admiral Screed (26)
• Intel Officer (7)
• Gunnery Chief Varnillian (6)
• XI7 Turbolasers (6)
• Superheavy Composite Beam Turbolasers (7)
• Cataclysm (5)
= 167 Points
Interdictor Combat Refit (93)
• Damage Control Officer (5)
• Auxiliary Shields Team (3)
• Proximity Mines (4)
• Grav Shift Reroute (2)
• Heavy Ion Emplacements (9)
= 116 Points
= 0 Points
Total Points: 283
The above fleet is still chilling in the hanger bay. What I want is to build an empire fleet that really takes advantage of its own objectives - I know I want the onager and interdictor to be part of this - I simply love the control Grav Shift gives me (after trying to use it in multiple tournaments I have become addicted to its power).
But I am struggling at what the rest of the fleet should consist of. The ideas behind the objecives are:
Assault: Rift Assault: Deploy fleet at the oppsitoe end of opponent. Block the passage below the gravity rift with Proximity Mines. Let player 1 come to you around the gravity rift making it easy for onager to set aim. Player 1 always comes to player 2. Weakness: There is no plan B!
Defense: Abandoned Mining Facility. Farm tokens and shot at opponent. Try to obstruct one flank with mines.
Navigation: Hyperspace Migration. In my head I want to trick my opponent. The idea comes from my way of playing contested outposts where I would never deploy my big ships near the station. Rather I would deploy my gonzanti and small parts of the fleet to bait the opponent and then flank him/her with my big ships - not really winning the objective. I kinda had the same idea for this one. My way of playing objectives does not always mean getting more points on it than my opponent. E.g. I have often lost contested outposts 3-2 but then destroyed most of my opponenets fleet by far.
I like using objectives to nugde my opponents deployment - the same with rift assault where I am acutally not that interested in spending the die to change the face of the next one. If you survived the wall of of text give me your thoughts on:
- What could the rest of the fleet consist of? Objecitves? Upgrades?