Hey everybody,
Some folks have been messaging me with questions about the new 1.5 RRG and updated cards content and how certain card interactions work.
Thank you for that level of trust!
With all the Armada Devs having been layed off, and not knowing when AMG will start answering questions. All I can do is try my best to help.
Please feel free to either keep DMing me or drop your questions here. *
I'm in the process of getting the KARM updated with the new 1.5 info, but it
likely won't be ready for another week to release. (Clone wars update for it will be more end of the month,or early next month.)
I'm just as excited to dig into all the new rules as everybody else.
*Please note, that
is officially endorsed by FFG, however I have Judged at
GenCon 2019 and would of Judged alongside Brooks at Worlds 2020 and remain in active communication with Ian Cross (multiple armada Worlds Judge) as well as several other
(Such as Drasnighta)
that are well-versed in the Armada rulebook.
You can witness these communications on the Star Wars: Armada discord