We keep hearing of the fae but as you probably know I also like the dimora, their earthy equivalents, I still wish they'd bring them back with similar art and sculpt styles to this (not some messed up update as I love the visual of this that I shared previously):
Not 100% confirmed as dimora but the only hit we've found thus far that could be a dimora creature- they are linked to yrth, but confirmation ended there- the dimora are very elusive image-wise
But for me it is now the dimora- I may even try to self-sculpt some for my sessions post pandemic
For my fan project I'm doing a thing where such primal other-worldly/ early-worldly 'creatures' evolve into more familiar ones over time (although some of the original forms remain) and had an idea for the dimora having collected most of the Joan of Arc minis- inspired by the tarasque piece I'm going to have it evolve into a wingless form, the Rising Yrth Dimora, which is like a big mass of soily earthy muddy might coming at you out of the very ground beneath you- but maybe of use to the heroes, if they make good choices, there are some significant threats out there so maybe you could use a similarly sizable friendly 'unit', making it a friendly unit might be the difficult bit though, with middling success maybe you can divide its attention between two targets, even if one of them remains you, or maybe the enemy will tame it first, or perhaps it's too wild to tame and only fools would try...
If anybody wants to stat out a Rising Yrth Dimora feel free- this was what gave me the inspiration: