Good job on the little Descent intro, very cool!
Love the new site, looks much much more professional than before!
I hope you keep it up to date as much as possible !
Good job on the little Descent intro, very cool!
Love the new site, looks much much more professional than before!
I hope you keep it up to date as much as possible !
I concur, hope to see the answered and unanswered sticky transfered over
I second the idea to transfer the Answered/Unanswered sticky. Would be a pity if we lost that.
Definitely pretty on the eyes....I have points and apparently you do something with these points....I think I will search around the site and see what I can spend those points on.
new website looks great. going to take a little while to get used it it, but first impressions are good.
Hello everyone!
This forum take the same appearence the the french's site (Where I pass all my time
The points are use for winning games or FFG stuff. This will begin in a couple of month. There 4 kind of draw. For those who have less then 200 points, the second 200 to 499..... And more you are in a high step, more the prize will be great
For more details: Oups, I don't find the page on this site... But if the do like the french's site, this will be that
I kind of like how all the code is in Spanish. Makes me feel all culturally proud and junk.
EDIT: Woah the edit button is hard to find. anyways, the site keeps impressing me more and more, except for when links fail and I get shuttled off to the main page. Like right now, how the board games subforum is full of fail.
Man this thing is SHINY! do I get in to edit my information?
Personally, I am all about the new look, and the achievement system is pretty neat-o if I may say. Curious to see how it will work.
Anyways, I'm off to order me a copy of Tomb of Ice now, woohoo!!!
i agree. nice design and the little videos for every game... wow. that's a lot of work FFG put into these. i only wish they would also put some work into the old forums to transfer the sticky posts. especially the Q&A posts. i don't wanna save all of them local...
I like the new forum and website, but I was forced to register again ... Is it the same for you ?
I hope that some old good threads will be reported here (Answers, Custom Heroes ...)
Big Remy said:
Man this thing is SHINY! do I get in to edit my information?
On the main page, click community. Then on the community page, click "edit your games". If I try to see my user data, it boots me to the main page with errors, so that's how I was able to get at my info.
Thundercles said:
EDIT: Woah the edit button is hard to find. anyways, the site keeps impressing me more and more, except for when links fail and I get shuttled off to the main page. Like right now, how the board games subforum is full of fail.
And he desapear after 5 minutes....
Bashwilly said:
Thundercles said:
EDIT: Woah the edit button is hard to find. anyways, the site keeps impressing me more and more, except for when links fail and I get shuttled off to the main page. Like right now, how the board games subforum is full of fail.
And he desapear after 5 minutes....
The Edit button deseapear five minutes after the message is send. In other words, you have 5 minutes to edit your message
In the french forum, the change the 5 minutes for 24 hour. But for this, the community have to complain in the support section...
Bashwilly said:
The Edit button deseapear five minutes after the message is send. In other words, you have 5 minutes to edit your message
In the french forum, the change the 5 minutes for 24 hour. But for this, the community have to complain in the support section...
Not sure I get the logic, why wouldn't be able to edit a message anytime we want...
Look at one of your message that you send more then five minutes ago and you will not see the edit button
That is kind of wierd. Guess they figure that if you are going to edit a post it will be soon after you make it.
Yes but they can change that. But for this it take resquest on support section
Man, that's bad news for our old method of gathering questions.
that was?
I personally do not see that the change was overall a good one.
There are a lot of things about the new forums that are not as good as the old ones. As the forums are the part of the site that will see the most use, I think that what is wrong with the new forums outweighs what is better about other parts of the site (which really isn't much other than cooler/better backgrounds and stuff like that).
And it seems that the new point system is going to encourage useless posts.
uh, keep editing the first post of a thread in order to keep the info current.
Which I guess is impossible now with the new forums.
Thundercles said:
Which I guess is impossible now with the new forums.
You guess right!
But at this point, the forum will be in constant evolution. If you have suggestion ou you want to report issues, you juste have to go on the support section of the forum!
On the french forum, many problems have been resolved this way and the forum start to be really interesting. But no PM for the moment...
I have to admit the intro is nice.