First print run Scourge

By Macron, in StarCraft

I have the printing that has all the errata incorporated in the rulebook and on the cards. I've read the discussions about how the original Scourge was "broken" and what FFG did to fix it. Out of curiosity, I'd like to know the original text that was on the Scourge card so I can see exactly what was changed.

So if anyone with one of the "broken" cards could be so kind as to post the original text, I'd be grateful.


The change to scourge is in the broodwar expansion not any printing of the base game.

I understand that the rules for Scourge changed in Brood War. That wasn't what my request was about.

The text on my Scourge cards from the core game matches the text in the FAQ exactly. I assumed since it was included in the FAQ, it must have been different on the Scourge card at one time. I guess my request would have been better phrased if I asked exactly what was changed for the Scourge in the core game due to the FAQ. I do not need to know what was changed due to Brood War.

The text below isn't a quote from the Scrouge cards (in base game), I could forget something important.

End of "Destroy units and discard combat cards" step:

If your Scrouge wasn't destroyed in a skirmish vs flying unit, destroy both front-line units (Scrouge and enemy front-line flying unit).

FAQ explains only that flying units with Cloaking withdraw instead being destroyed in such case (unless Zerg has Detector).

You should notice that:

- such set of rules makes impossible to use Scrouges vs supporting air units (especially Assist units)

- Scrouges can't be used effectively vs air units when Zerg player is defending

- adding high health values on cards, Scrouges are good to defend areas vs ground units (single ground anti-air units rarely can reach 8-9 attack without support), which should not be possible

- vs such units like Carriers or Battlecruisers (with high attack values), triggering this ability is very hard

Thank you.

Extra text because just saying "Thank you" causes the post to be too short to be posted.

I do not have BW expansion yet. Could anyone tell me how the scourge was changed and if they think it would be balanced to use that change with only SC?

-Archangel- said:

I do not have BW expansion yet. Could anyone tell me how the scourge was changed and if they think it would be balanced to use that change with only SC?

In BW, Scrouge receives 3 combat cards with appropriate attack / health values and a new passive feature - "Sacrifice" (check in a rules book and FAQ). They are also more expensive (2 gas instead 1)

You need only to replace old Scrouge cards to use new rules. They should work work quite well without the rest of the expansion.

Hah, a nice way to prevent people from just using rules changes without buying the expansion :D

The cards have values (attack / health): 9/6, 8/6, 7/5. If you find a way to bind those values to old cards, you won't need an expansion :->

BTW: Infested Terrans also use those cards and "Sacrifice" ability.