So I've got a big homebrew I've been working on. It's starts as ancient fantasy setting (late bronze, early iron age). A campaign will eventually morph into "sandal punk" with some early steam technology when remnants of a bygone era are rediscovered. Mechanics (renamed Crafting) is going to be an important skill as various advances are discovered such as steel, gunpowder, and steam.
Crafting (Mechanics) covers way too many actions. Crafting could be used to build and repair - weapons, armor, boats, large ships, a keep, a bridge, a catapult, a bombard, a zeppelin, a matchlock pistol, etc, etc. Thus, I started going with Crafting being an ability to do basic crafts and repairs, but talents are needed to unlock further advanced or specialized abilities. This got me thinking that other skills that cover a long range of things could benefit from the same sort of house rule, which I've dubbed "Familiarities" for now. For example, Riding is basic mount riding. You find a flying creature? Well you need the Sky Rider talent to be able to use Riding on it safely.
So, the question. I've thought of doing this in two different ways. One would be to limit a player from even attempting a certain ability without having the appropriate familiarity talent. A character with Crafting could not decide to use it for building a ship without the Shipwright talent, for example. Each skill that has familiarities will point out what can and can't be done without the appropriate talent. That's Option 1.
Option 2 was brought about when I thought of how players will always want to attempt things regardless pointing out, "but why can't I try with some sort of penalty?" So, with Option 2 I've thought of giving a penalty for some skill's abilities unless you have become "familiar" by picking up a talent for it. So, Crafting could be attempted to repair the big naval vessel without the Shipwright talent, but there will be a penalty.
What penalty? At first this seemed to be the thing to throw a Setback at. But, with more consideration I figured it needed to be more harsh. With just a Setback, a high skilled Crafting character may not bother with specializing and spending XP on certain crafting talents. It's just a Setback die that a Crafting 4+ character will brush aside as a nothing. So, I've thought I might give the base "unfamiliar" penalty an automatic Failure result. Even a seasoned crafter won't like to add an automatic failure when he finds himself commonly performing an unfamiliar ability, and thus consider investing in the appropriate talent.
Thoughts? Confusions?