X 1 XX 23

By theBitterFig, in X-Wing Squad Lists

I'm trying to figure out the best way to combine XX-23 S-Thread Tracers with TIE Advanced/x1 and their Advanced Targeting Computer.

  • If it wasn't ** limited, you could run five Tempests with FCS and XX-23, but right now there's 6 spare points, and nothing obvious to spend them on.
    • Two Tempests with FCS, two with XX-23 and FCS, plus Howlrunner would fit. That'd give you a lot more punch if you're not able to make good use of the Tread Tracers, but you've got less punch when things work out in your favor...
  • Mixing in some TIE/v1, you could have two Inquisitors with XX-23, and 3 Storm x1s with FCS, at 199 points.

Anyone else see options? Ideally hyperspace, but not strictly...

Edited by theBitterFig

Glad to see I'm not the only one thinking about the three storm aces and two inquisitors with tracers. I like the idea of using Howlrunner too but feel the matched initiative might work out better.

I've flown Howl + Tempests before, and kinda liked it. Approaching easily with Focus and Howlrunner rerolls isn't too bad, and you could easily grab locks in the 2nd round. But Tracers just seems cleaner.

2x Inq with Tracers seems best use to me. Extra guarantee of hitting, with lock and force. Nimble platform and cheap enough to double up for extra guarantee.

Then it'd be the 3 Storms with FCS. I've run 2 v1s, 3 x1s before, it's a neat squad.

2 x1s, 2 v1s and a 5th 'other' might be an interesting space to explore.

A friend of mine talked about this funny, straight forward list :

Tempest Squadron Pilot (36)
Fire-Control System (2)
XX-23 S-Thread Tracers (2)

Ship total: 40 Half Points: 20 Threshold: 3

Tempest Squadron Pilot (36)
Fire-Control System (2)
XX-23 S-Thread Tracers (2)

Ship total: 40 Half Points: 20 Threshold: 3

Tempest Squadron Pilot (36)
Fire-Control System (2)

Ship total: 38 Half Points: 19 Threshold: 3

Tempest Squadron Pilot (36)
Fire-Control System (2)

Ship total: 38 Half Points: 19 Threshold: 3

Academy Pilot (22)
Ship total: 22 Half Points: 11 Threshold: 2

Academy Pilot (22)
Ship total: 22 Half Points: 11 Threshold: 2

Total: 200

View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0: https://raithos.github.io/?f=Galactic Empire&d=v8ZsZ200Z178X113W332WY178X113W332WY178X113WWY178X113WWY229XY229X&sn=Unnamed Squadron&obs=

Really clean with those blockers in there. Not HS, but it looks nice.

I was curious what would fit if I stripped everything right back. This did.

TIE Advanced x1 - Tempest Squadron Pilot - 36 Tempest Squadron Pilot - (36)

TIE Advanced x1 - Tempest Squadron Pilot - 36 Tempest Squadron Pilot - (36)

TIE Advanced v1 - Baron of the Empire - 30 Baron of the Empire - (28) ••XX-23 S-Thread Tracers (2)

TIE Advanced v1 - Baron of the Empire - 30 Baron of the Empire - (28) ••XX-23 S-Thread Tracers (2)

TIE/D Defender - Delta Squadron Pilot - 68 Delta Squadron Pilot - (68)

Total: 200

I don't think I quite like it, but it does fit.

Now I'm wondering what the best XX-23 ship to backup two FCS Deltas would be.

In Hyperspace, I'm guessing probably just two BotE.

In Extended... Sense Grand Inquisitor? That's kinda nasty in a way. A pair of Dorsal TIE Aggressors would also be OK.

8 hours ago, theBitterFig said:

Now I'm wondering what the best XX-23 ship to backup two FCS Deltas would be.

In Hyperspace, I'm guessing probably just two BotE.

I looked at that yesterday too :D

and yeah, probably 2 Barons. Fits so neatly. 1 x1, or 1 Inq are the only other options.

1 Inq, 2 Onyx maybe. Let the Tracers set up future turns and maybe give them a better chance of hitting a stripped target. Fits with 2x Juke.

In extended, I'm pretty sure I just ditch tracers and take Echo :P

Well, I cooked up something like this. If you can aim the Bullseye, the X1's free crit can be quite fun to abuse.

(28) Baron of the Empire [TIE Advanced v1]

(2) XX-23 S-Thread Tracers

(2) Fire-Control System

Points: 32

(39) Storm Squadron Ace [TIE Advanced x1]

(2) Fire-Control System

(1) Deadeye Shot

Points: 42

(39) Storm Squadron Ace [TIE Advanced x1]

(2) Fire-Control System

(1) Deadeye Shot

Points: 42

(39) Storm Squadron Ace [TIE Advanced x1]

(2) Fire-Control System

(1) Deadeye Shot

Points: 42

(39) Storm Squadron Ace [TIE Advanced x1]

(2) Fire-Control System

(1) Deadeye Shot

Points: 42

Total points: 200