Blast Weapons, Fatigue Usage and Town Actions

By Wanderer999, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I have some more new questions that need help from veterans of Descent:

Question 1: (Blast Weapons)

My players became godlike when they get an AoE (area of effect) weapon like Ice Storm or something with Blast 1 or more. They generally open the door with one player and the second player steps forward and throws a blast right down the centre of the entire room, killing everyone using a Blast 2 effect. I understand that Blast effects go right thru figures, except obstacles, walls and doors. My question is: Can the player AIM behind a monster just so he can get the AoE to hit all? This question was raised by me because I know ALL weapons need the attacker to have LoS to the target square, and the monster in front will already block the LoS. But my players insist that AoE Blasts can ignore this rule of LoS. They also seem to have logic, but I need confirmation here because I got 3 rooms wiped clean without a fight...

Monster A

Player ------> Monster B------>Target Square Monster C

Monster D

See above diagram: Will Monster B force Player to only aim the Blast in front of it, or on its square? Or can the player aim THROUGH it to the centre of the crowd? P.S: Monster B is a large monster that blocks all LoS as it is standing right in front of the door of the room.

Question 2: (Fatigue Usage)

I understand that fatigue is a wondrous thing, and a player can use fatigue to add 1 power die to attacks as well as move further 1 square. However, can the players use Fatigue to do things like Unequip a weapon? This came up because my player had a powerful AoE weapon but he always spent 2 Fatigue at the end of his turn to unequip (2 MP required for re-equip) and a teammate would use Leadership skill to give him a free Rest order to recover all his fatigue again. This way, I couldn't use Dark Charm on him since his weapon would be a sh*tty one. There are other things like spending Fatigue to Open Chest and pick up items. But my main question is on the part of using fatigue to equip and unequip.

Question 3: (Town Actions)

When in Town, can a player do things like Rest order? That way, he can rest safely without fear of disruption from monsters.

Can he declare a Run so he can shop and do more stuff? (I take this question as a yes but juz in case, since I'm asking other questions anywaez)

Most important question: Can players attack each other in Town? I played dark charm on one player since all 4 were in Town, but they declared that there cannot be attacks made in Town so it won't work.

But my players insist that AoE Blasts can ignore this rule of LoS. They also seem to have logic, but I need confirmation here because I got 3 rooms wiped clean without a fight...

They're wrong. Blast weapons still need LOS to the target square.

I understand that fatigue is a wondrous thing, and a player can use fatigue to add 1 power die to attacks as well as move further 1 square. However, can the players use Fatigue to do things like Unequip a weapon? This came up because my player had a powerful AoE weapon but he always spent 2 Fatigue at the end of his turn to unequip (2 MP required for re-equip) and a teammate would use Leadership skill to give him a free Rest order to recover all his fatigue again. This way, I couldn't use Dark Charm on him since his weapon would be a sh*tty one. There are other things like spending Fatigue to Open Chest and pick up items. But my main question is on the part of using fatigue to equip and unequip.

Yes. Fatigue gives you movement points, not extra squares of movement. Those movement points can be spent just as any other MPs could.

When in Town, can a player do things like Rest order? That way, he can rest safely without fear of disruption from monsters.

Yes in normal Descent. No in Road to Legend and Sea of Blood (because town operates differently in the advanced campaigns)

Can he declare a Run so he can shop and do more stuff? (I take this question as a yes but juz in case, since I'm asking other questions anywaez)


Most important question: Can players attack each other in Town? I played dark charm on one player since all 4 were in Town, but they declared that there cannot be attacks made in Town so it won't work.

They can attack each other if they want, but you can't target them with Dark Charm.

Note: All heroes in the town are considered adjacent to each other and cannot be targeted by overlord cards. (JitD p. 18)

Thanks for ur answers, James! I now know I probably stood much better chance of winning since they cleared my rooms with 1 blast in this manner.

By the way I know that players can move adjacent, as well as diagonally. But it seems strange when I have quests like this:


When the player opens the door, I would assume he cannot see the monster as it is hiding behind the boulder. But there is debate in my group that LoS can still be traced from the player to the monster (diagonally) Is this true? From my point of view, I would think more logically and assume that the wall is directly beside the boulder (or rubble or whatever descr the quest states) and so the player cannot see through that 'crack'.

Then there is also the same question, only now being that the player walks 1 sq north-west so he is standing directly south of the boulder. And if we assume the monster is now a gold chest, can the player open the chest from his new position between the boulder and the wall? I would think no again, because there are several quests in the original set that put the chests in this manner and the monster is blocking the proper way to the chest, but my players still slip thru to the chest via this method. (they even cross over thru the 'crack') It seems wrong to me because these quests are designed by the original makers, and they probably wouldn't make such a blunder and allow a REALLY easy access to the players so quickly.

Line-of-sight is NOT blocked when it only touches an obstruction at a corner; in your example, figures can see (and move, and attack) between the wall and the rubble. The movement example on page 9 and and line-of-sight example on page 10 both cover this sort of diagonal arrangement.

You can't open a chest that's on the other side of the divide, but that's only because you have to be in the same space as a chest in order to open it. You can move between the wall and rubble into the chest space and then open it.