"Rebels", another take

By LUZ_TAK, in X-Wing Squad Lists

Tried to get the attack shuttle to be more of a nuisance with Zeb and intimidation, using Sabine's pilot ability to better position for the block. Ezra goes in the TIE, too bad no points left for Ion override


(72) Hera Syndulla [VCX-100 Light Freighter]
(12) Kanan Jarrus
(4) Agile Gunner
(0) Ghost
(2) Dorsal Turret
Points: 90

(41) Sabine Wren [Attack Shuttle]
(1) "Zeb" Orrelios
(3) Intimidation
(0) Phantom
Points: 45

(32) AP-5 [Sheathipede-class Shuttle]
(2) "Chopper"
(3) Elusive
Points: 37

(28) Ezra Bridger [TIE/ln Fighter]
Points: 28

Total points: 200

Edited by LUZ_TAK

Sabine docked instead of AP-5? Bold.

8 hours ago, Nyxen said:

Sabine docked instead of AP-5? Bold.

Ahh I pondered where to put the Phantom title and decided that having the chance of docking the most expensive of the shuttles in case is low of HP made more sense... still undecided though.

Fair, I figure the free co-ordinate would be more helpful early is my thought process.

Fair too.

I don't like the zeb+intimidation combo on sabine. I can tell you from experience that she absolutely cannot take shots. That 4 health behind 2 agility means she's only slightly harder to kill than a trade federation drone, and even with sabine's free evade on blue moves she can't joust very well.

My suggestion? Move zeb and intimidation over to hera, and drop elusive/chopper from AP-5 ; every turn he doesn't coordinate is a turn he wasted. If you need chopper in the list for theme reasons, put him on sabine (crew variant) this way she can maybe catch your opponent off guard with a 4k+action, or getting a focus even when you already stressed yourself with a linked evade.

Then, I would put sense on ezra to get the most out of intimidation hera, even against I6s and I5s moving last. If you took chopper crew you'll have to drop dorsal turret. Then, you'll have one point left, which I would use to put composure on sabine, so she can fail a boost/barrel roll for a focus, then do a red move. Now, with no DT, you don't really need agile gunner, so you can use those points to make ezra a bit more flexible with PIE.

Here's the final list, after all my changes:

Hera Syndulla (VCX-100) (72)

Intimidation (3)

"Zeb" Orrelios (1)

Kanan Jarrus (12)

Ghost (0)

Ship total: 88 Half Points: 44 Threshold: 7

Sabine Wren (41)

Composure (1)

"Chopper" (Crew) (1)

Phantom (0)

Ship total: 43 Half Points: 22 Threshold: 2

AP-5 (32)

Ship total: 32 Half Points: 16 Threshold: 3

Ezra Bridger (TIE Fighter) (28)

Sense (5)

Precision Ion Engines (3)

Ship total: 36 Half Points: 18 Threshold: 2

Total: 199

View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0: https://raithos.github.io/?f=Rebel Alliance&d=v8ZsZ200Z61X122WWWW65W41WWW148Y66X115W23WWW167Y72XWWWWY14X75W338&sn=Unnamed Squadron&obs=

I think I would swap Ezra and Sabine in the ships. I don't like Ezra's Tie, because he barely ever uses his ability. On the other hand in the Shuttle, he can Roll > Evade and have a Force for up to two eyes in a roll. Makes him much more durable.

Also Sabine with P.I.E. is an insanely agile and unpredictable blocker.

(72) Hera Syndulla [VCX-100 Light Freighter]

(12) Kanan Jarrus

(1) "Zeb" Orrelios

(3) Intimidation

(0) Ghost

Points: 88

(40) Ezra Bridger [Attack Shuttle]

(1) "Chopper"

(3) Heightened Perception

(0) Phantom

(2) Dorsal Turret

Points: 46

(28) Sabine Wren [TIE/ln Fighter]

(3) Precision Ion Engines

(1) Composure

Points: 32

(32) AP-5 [Sheathipede-class Shuttle]

(2) Predator

Points: 34

Total points: 200

All awesome suggestions, txs

Revised list. Maybe final?


(72) Hera Syndulla [VCX-100 Light Freighter]
(12) Kanan Jarrus
(1) "Zeb" Orrelios
(3) Intimidation
(0) Ghost
(2) Dorsal Turret
Points: 90

(40) Ezra Bridger [Attack Shuttle]
(5) Sense
(0) Phantom
Points: 45

(32) AP-5 [Sheathipede-class Shuttle]
(1) "Chopper"
Points: 33

(28) Sabine Wren [TIE/ln Fighter]
(3) Precision Ion Engines
(1) Composure
Points: 32

Total points: 200

Still wondering if PIE on Sabine is worth more than Ion turret on the Ghost.

Edited by LUZ_TAK
On 12/4/2020 at 3:54 AM, LUZ_TAK said:

Revised list. Maybe final?


(72) Hera Syndulla [VCX-100 Light Freighter]
(12) Kanan Jarrus
(1) "Zeb" Orrelios
(3) Intimidation
(0) Ghost
(2) Dorsal Turret
Points: 90

(40) Ezra Bridger [Attack Shuttle]
(5) Sense
(0) Phantom
Points: 45

(32) AP-5 [Sheathipede-class Shuttle]
(1) "Chopper"
Points: 33

(28) Sabine Wren [TIE/ln Fighter]
(3) Precision Ion Engines
(1) Composure
Points: 32

Total points: 200

Still wondering if PIE on Sabine is worth more than Ion turret on the Ghost.

It opens up more turn around possibilities. With her Boost/Roll before movement, it is almost impossible to block her, or predict where she goes. Although I have to admit, having an Ion Turret would be nice.

I expect we will get some "Rebels" pilots in the upcoming Phoenix Squadron Pack, which might open up more chassis for this themed list. A-Wings and B-Wings hopefully. An I3 1 Force A-Wing with Ezra's ability would be nice. As he can easily stress himself from the Ships native Boost. Hera in a B-Wing would be amazing as well. Finally a decent I5 B-Wing.