Hello . I was playing with Silas when I made this combo but I'm not sure if it is correct. I made an evade. I commit unexpected courage. Hydro one blessed token. Then i draw another blessed token. Then an Eldrich sign. So I use he's ability and i committed manual dexterity front discard pile. I won the test so i took manual dexterity to my hand using Silas special ability. Also I draw a card from manual dexterity. And I use Silas ability to take to my hand the unexpected courage.
Edited by brolimCombo legal?
I'm not sure what you mean by Hydro - was your initial draw a blessed token, into a second blessed token, into the Elder Sign?
Assuming that's the case, you're on a +4 from the tokens. Elder Sign lets you commit a skill card to the test from the bin, so that checks out. Assuming you'd not already used Silas' reaction to bounce a card back to hand, that seems fine. As far as I'm aware ManDex's card draw would still trigger.
I don't see anything wrong with what happened there, though it's a fairly unlikely series of events.
All seems correct!
Just keep in mind that Silas' reaction ability triggers when you draw the chaos token, not at the end of the test (because you described it as the last thing you did). That also means that if that card had any benefits for "if this test is successful" or something like that, they won't be taken into account.
4 hours ago, Henryillusion said:All seems correct!
Just keep in mind that Silas' reaction ability triggers when you draw the chaos token, not at the end of the test (because you described it as the last thing you did). That also means that if that card had any benefits for "if this test is successful" or something like that, they won't be taken into account.
So you are saying that if i commit lets say overpowered to a skill then take it back to hand i wont draw an extra card?
If you take a skill card back to hand using Silas’s reaction then for most cards you won’t get any benefit from its text box (you also don’t get the icons on the card towards passing the skill test). This is because the card is withdrawn after step 3 of the skill test (reveal chaos token) and so it is no longer committed by the time you get to steps 5 (determine skill value), 6 (determine success/failure) and 7 (apply skill test results).
Cards committed via his Elder Sign effect do give their icons and effects as normal because the card returns to your hand after the skill test ends.
I hope that helps.
I’ll join this thread to ask something I’m not sure about, I hope that’s all right!
its Silas related of course: how do his signature cards interact with his ability? If you pull the skill you invested in an attack with the harpoon back, for instance, do you get the bonus damage? I’m pretty sure you don’t, just wanna make sure
Silas’s signature cards only care about whether you committed a skill card to the test, not whether it is still committed by the time the test ends. So I believe it is a valid play to commit a single skill card to, say, a fight test using the harpoon, pull the card back with Silas’s ability and still get the +1 damage.
I hope that helps.
Edited by AssussanniClarity