Rebel Beef is Back? BBXU or BZXU

By HanScottFirst, in X-Wing Squad Lists

Braylen Stramm (52)

Ten Numb (48)
Stabilized S-Foils (2)

Cassian Andor (51)
Leia Organa (7)
Pivot Wing (0)

Red Squadron Veteran (40)
Servomotor S-Foils (0)
Total: 200

View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0

This version swaps Leia for K2 to basically be a force token for Wedge and adds double tap to Ten:

Ten Numb (48)
Fire-Control System (2)
Synced Laser Cannons (6)
Stabilized S-Foils (2)

Cassian Andor (51)
K-2SO (7)
Pivot Wing (0)

Wedge Antilles (54)
Servomotor S-Foils (0)

Lieutenant Blount (30)
Total: 200

View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0

What versions of beef have you come up with post points drop?

Lol. Was it ever gone ? :D

Im itching to field Cassian, Ten, Braylen and Thane for 200pts.

Looks solid on paper, the only upgrades are de S-Foils on Ten and the Foils for the U and X.

It's a very straight forward list. Jousty and with enough red dice to push some damage through and some beef to hold it's ground to shot down something before they go...

I feel the new Rebel beef or whatever must try to get advantage out of 2pts Selfless talent.

You can do Braylen, Cassian, Ten + S-Foils, and Biggs for an even 200. Missing Leia but I’m wondering if Biggs would make up for that.

2 hours ago, dr_syndulla said:

You can do Braylen, Cassian, Ten + S-Foils, and Biggs for an even 200. Missing Leia but I’m wondering if Biggs would make up for that.

I think you’re probably better off with Leia and the Red Squadron Vet.

I’d consider turning the Red Squadron Vet into a Blue Squadron Escort or Cavern Angels Zealot, and give S-Foils to Stramm as well.

Brylen does not need the foils at all. Unless you plan to give him an Autoblaster for double tap attack with two rerolls each.

I'm playing Brylen, Ten, Casian, Arvel and even though it was nerfed few times on the way it is still very good.

This is the next generation of beef i will try:

Wookie Sqdron

(53) Wullffwarro [Auzituck Gunship]
Points: 53

(40) "Dutch" Vander [BTL-A4 Y-wing]
(2) R4 Astromech
(4) Concussion Bombs
(5) Ion Cannon Turret
Points: 51

(48) Ten Numb [A/SF-01 B-wing]
(0) Jamming Beam
(2) Stabilized S-foils
Points: 50

(46) Garven Dreis [T-65 X-wing]
(0) Servomotor S-foils
Points: 46

Total points: 200

This seems beefy.

Wullffwarro & BBB

(41) Blue Squadron Pilot [A/SF-01 B-wing]
(0) Jamming Beam
(3) Autoblasters
(2) Stabilized S-foils
Points: 46

(41) Blue Squadron Pilot [A/SF-01 B-wing]
(0) Jamming Beam
(3) Autoblasters
(2) Stabilized S-foils
Points: 46

(41) Blue Squadron Pilot [A/SF-01 B-wing]
(0) Jamming Beam
(3) Autoblasters
(2) Stabilized S-foils
Points: 46

(53) Wullffwarro [Auzituck Gunship]
(7) Leia Organa
(2) Expert Handling
Points: 62

Total points: 200

I suppose you get a bit more beef with no Autoblasters/S-Foils on the B’s, and using those points to buy two Blue Squadron X-Wings instead of Wullffwarro... but I like having the B-Wing double attacks, and I love having Leia to cover all those red maneuvers the B-Wings use. Wullff also gives you one higher initiative pilot, and great arc coverage if he trails the other fighters. Thoughts?

You are missing a point here. Wulfaro needs to be wounded on round 1 by the bombs so he can shoot 4red from the start ;)

And double attack with no mods...meh

FCS could help a bit on the first attack.

One game done with this one. Kyle passing focuses (usually to evades) at start of the engagement is really strong.

Braylen Stramm (52)
Ship total: 52 Half Points: 26 Threshold: 4

Lowhhrick (50)
Selfless (2)

Ship total: 52 Half Points: 26 Threshold: 4

Kyle Katarn (31)
Jyn Erso (2)
Moldy Crow (16)

Ship total: 49 Half Points: 25 Threshold: 3

Biggs Darklighter (47)
Servomotor S-Foils (0)

Ship total: 47 Half Points: 24 Threshold: 3

Total: 200

View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0: Alliance&d=v8ZsZ200Z73XWWWWWWY59X130WWWY48XWW40WWW156Y7XWWW142&sn=New Squadron&obs=

19 hours ago, Enzeru said:

You are missing a point here. Wulfaro needs to be wounded on round 1 by the bombs so he can shoot 4red from the start ;)

And double attack with no mods...meh

FCS could help a bit on the first attack.

I’m not missing the point, I just don’t like that strategy.