
By Lord Thallium, in Star Wars: Legion

Hey guys my wife has decided to start playing Legion with me and has taken my precious Empire as her faction so now I need to Bulk up my Droids, Currently I have 5 units of B1s, 2 units of B2s, 2 units of Droidekas, 1 AAT, Maul, Grievous and Dooku. So my question is should I be adding two units of BX-Commandos and STAP riders if I can find them? Also Cade Bane?



CIS is the most internally balanced faction right now, so anything they have is worth fielding.

Cad Bane is fun if you like shenanigans, but you need to be really careful with him or he will die. Luckily he has jump and steady so its usually pretty easy to peekaboo or move shoot behind LoS blocking terrain.

Well I was able to snag two boxes of STAP riders from an online retailer today lol, as well as 2 boxes of Commandos and Cade Bane. So now I can have some choices when facing off against my wife LOL

You were able to snap two commandos? Nice. I say you are set until specialist that comes out in January. I would say maybe avoid the tank since that could be overwhelming, but challenging, to tackle.

Edited by KiraYamatoSF
Did not fully read everything.

Yup, I sure did. I have to Specialists on Pre-Order

Any idea more info on the specialists? I have wanted thwn since the drop of the AAT.

3 hours ago, PhoenixOfCopper said:

Any idea more info on the specialists? I have wanted thwn since the drop of the AAT.

The upcoming page said January. Some minor details are known already.

Are the BX hard to find right now? I have three extra boxes (don't ask)

I didn't have any problem finding some. about 3 Stores I checked had them. The STAP riders on the other hand..... well they were almost impossible to find.... Mine are coming from 4000km away LOL

On 11/27/2020 at 12:18 PM, Lord Thallium said:

I didn't have any problem finding some. about 3 Stores I checked had them. The STAP riders on the other hand..... well they were almost impossible to find.... Mine are coming from 4000km away LOL

It is the opposite in my area. I was only able to get 1 BX box, but several stores in my area still have STAP boxes sitting on the shelves.