X-Wings are looking cheap now....new ideas?

By BCooper85, in X-Wing

The points change means a lot of X-Wings across Rebels and Resistance are cheaper, yay!

Would anyone like to share with the group what new sqauds they're thinking of flying now we have more options?

I'll start, 5X is now I3 instead of I2 which seems decent.

I will try 3x Blue Squadron Escorts with Lando/Nien/Chewie for 200 pts (Hyperspace legal).

I imagine it will be a really solid build. A lot of HPs to chew through to get to Lando. A very solid damage output with 3x 3-RedDie ships plus Lando who frequently gets TL/Focus.

Oof, I dunno. I’m a little sad about the state of the Rebellion at the moment. What bugs me a bit is that the A-Wing and X-Wing DID get cheaper, and yet having taken yet another stab at them, I just can’t get consistent results. Wedge and Luke are potentially great, but man, that 2 agility just kills me with the X-Wing. I dunno. I won’t give up on them yet, but it seems that for every great victory, the Rebels get handed two crushing losses at my hands, and I just can’t sort them out.

Generic X efficiency won't get anywhere alone, but I could see splashing something like XXBBB being experimented with for some thick ships.

I think the place for X-wings has been, and always will be, 'deluxe jousting.' So they really want ways to leverage those 3 reds much harder than just a single focus. Losing 1 point on every pilot helps, but the classic list that did this was nerfed by like 20 points and one of the key ships in that list isn't HS legal at the moment so BBUX is out.

Its a tough nut to crack. The VCX has always seen experimentation with surprise upsets by the ship resulting in a lot of optimism for the chasis before consistency problems rear their ugly head, but maybe the points reductions across board can push the VCX from a 'can get lucky at a national,' which is already somewhat impressive, to 'consistently gets work done.'

13 hours ago, dezzmont said:

Generic X efficiency won't get anywhere alone, but I could see splashing something like XXBBB being experimented with for some thick ships.

my first edition BBBBz self just texted me like WTF?!!!!!! how is that even a THING what is this magic list you are using

Oops. Nevermind.

Edited by Spinland
25 minutes ago, Cloaker said:

my first edition BBBBz self just texted me like WTF?!!!!!! how is that even a THING what is this magic list you are using

Four Blade Bs with Passive and S-Foils just dropped from 200 to 184. Haven't done any looking yet but there has to be some fun trouble one can get into with 16 extra points.

Edited by Spinland

I don't play rebels but I updated a list a I made a while back. Probably is trash but looks fun.

Luke Skywalker (61)
Extreme Maneuvers (4)
R2-D2 (8)
Servomotor S-Foils (0)

Ship total: 73 Half Points: 37 Threshold: 3

Wedge Antilles (54)
Outmaneuver (6)
R2 Astromech (5)
Servomotor S-Foils (0)

Ship total: 65 Half Points: 33 Threshold: 3

Biggs Darklighter (47)
R2 Astromech (5)
Shield Upgrade (6)
Servomotor S-Foils (0)

Ship total: 58 Half Points: 29 Threshold: 4

Total: 196

View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0: https://raithos.github.io/?f=Rebel Alliance&d=v8ZsZ200Z4X341WW3WW142Y5X126WW2WW142Y7XW2W165W142&sn=Unnamed Squadron&obs=

No bid, but this is a pretty solid Luke list (at least on Fly Casual haha, I don't get to play vs people these days). Every ship has the force/focusses, Kanan can help if Jan needs to hard turn, and you get 4-5 double modded red dice from Norra or Luke. And a little regen for Luke.

Norra Wexley (55)
Kanan Jarrus (12)

Luke Skywalker (61)
R2 Astromech (5)
Servomotor S-Foils (0)

Jan Ors (41)
Nien Nunb (5)
Hull Upgrade (5)
Moldy Crow (16)
Total: 200

View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0

Also, this isn't an X-Wing list, but you can fit 6 Phoenix Squad A-Wings w/Prockets now . . .

But one interesting X-Wing: Afterburners Porkins is only 49 points (54 if you add Elusive/Chopper). May be a good I4 filler?

What Rebels really need is access to force multipliers in either upgrades, chassis, or pilot abilities (e.g., Fire Convergence, Malarus or Hask, kind of Optics when each ship has it, etc.). That would help all their ships, X-Wings included.

Hyperspace Resistance

Poe Dameron (62)
R4 Astromech (2)
Overdrive Thruster (8)
Integrated S-Foils (0)

Lieutenant Bastian (47)
Integrated S-Foils (0)

Nimi Chireen (49)
Integrated S-Foils (0)

Merl Cobben (32)
Total: 200

Extended Resistance

Poe Dameron (62)
Heroic (1)
R4 Astromech (2)
Overdrive Thruster (8)
Integrated S-Foils (0)

Blue Squadron Rookie (41)
Integrated S-Foils (0)

Blue Squadron Rookie (41)
Integrated S-Foils (0)

L’ulo L’ampar (42)
Heroic (2)
Total: 199

Hyperspace Rebels

love selfless being 2pts. Very spammable costed, spread that damage around.

Red Squadron Veteran (40)
Selfless (2)
Servomotor S-Foils (0)

Red Squadron Veteran (40)
Selfless (2)
Servomotor S-Foils (0)

Red Squadron Veteran (40)
Selfless (2)
Servomotor S-Foils (0)

Green Squadron Pilot (30)
Selfless (2)
Proton Rockets (5)

Green Squadron Pilot (30)
Selfless (2)
Proton Rockets (5)
Total: 200

Extended Rebels

Red Squadron Veteran (40)
Selfless (2)
Servomotor S-Foils (0)

Red Squadron Veteran (40)
Selfless (2)
Servomotor S-Foils (0)

Luke Skywalker (61)
Servomotor S-Foils (0)

Wedge Antilles (54)
Servomotor S-Foils (0)
Total: 199

Edited by wurms
1 hour ago, wurms said:

love selfless being 2pts. Very spammable costed, spread that damage around.

This may be a sleeper thing to help out rebels a lot. Rebel ships have a big HP pool but aren't actually that tough due to how they kinda are easily focused down. Lots of selfless helps leverage that, especially if your not straight up jousting and don't expect your ships to be under all the arcs at once.