Vassal Clone Wars Tournament

By Green Knight, in Star Wars: Armada

@Tokra v Sam ends 251-121 to me. Tokra chose my infested fields and I proceeded to fling rocks at his munificent while our squad balls mulched each other in the center, worms providing support for the republic. Anakin, Plo, and a Torrent were all that survived of the squads, and the non-titled muni exploded turn 5 after running over one too many rocks. Thank you for the great game!

Only 1 game left of top 16 elims: Veers vs Tooka. Scheduled for today.

Deadline: Sunday 17th Jan 2021


Roald 1 JJs Juggernaut
RealVeers 2 CaribbeanNinja
cadetvw 3 Beanicus
Darth Veggie 4 MandalorianMoose

@MandalorianMoose vs. Veggie today at 9.30 PM UTC.

@JJs Juggernaut Vs Roald tomorrow at 6am GMT

@Darth Veggie v Sam ends with a concession to me in round 5 after I killed Tides and had Dooku boxed in between both acclamators. They took second and I picked Planetary Ion Cannon. Deployment was rather cagey with the Munis angled sideways and the squads keeping their distance from mine. My acclamators screamed in speed 3 and proceeded to run over each other for 3 rounds in a row (thanks for the engineering dials Bail!). Speaking of Bail, he got blown out of the sky by three very powerful Ion cannon blasts that I flew him directly into. Oops.

I started working on the Tides of progress, who absorbed and repaired a good amount of damage over the next few turns. I thought it was going to escape, but Veggie delayed its activation in turn 5, opting to throw squads with the Dooku flag, and its fate was sealed. The Acc 1 was able to hit it with Anakin, forcing it to burn its redirect, leaving it on 2 hull with no shields or redirect. The Acc was able to roll 4 damage and then close on the Dooku flagship, ready to double arc at close range with its exrax at the top of the next turn.

Thank you for the game, it was a real nail biter and I didn't think I would be able to pull a win out of this one. Tough opponent I look forward to playing against you again soon!

JJ vs Roald ended 246-225 in my favor. Very tight game with lots of carnage. GG!

3 of 4 games played.

Missing @cadetvw and @Beanicus only

Sorry, didn't see it. Game already played lol.

Edited by Green Knight

Deadline: Sunday 24th January


JJs Juggernaut 1 CaribbeanNinja
Beanicus 2 MandalorianMoose

Deadline: Sunday 31th January (the sooner, the better)


JJs Juggernaut 1 Beanicus

Ended the Clone War has!

Lord Sidious, the Sith Lord that orchestrated the entire war has been exposed and cast down. The same goes for his Jedi allies and the corrupt government of the Republic.

The grand Confederacy of Independent Systems rises to take its place. Headed by former Jedi Count Dooku and protected by relentless droid legions, the new galactic realm will reign for a thousand generations.

The CW final is over and Beanicus has defeated JJs Juggernaut.


Beanicus ran a squadless 4-Muni list. Conventional wisdom tells us that such a list of medium-base speed-2 ships cannot be any good. Yet we were all mistaken.

Munificent-class Star Frigate (73 points)
- Tide of Progress XII ( 2 points)
- Wat Tambor ( 5 points)
- Reinforced Blast Doors ( 5 points)
- Linked Turbolaser Towers ( 7 points)
= 92 total ship cost

Munificent-class Star Frigate (73 points)
- Sa Nalaor ( 5 points)
- Projection Experts ( 6 points)
- Cluster Bombs ( 5 points)
- Linked Turbolaser Towers ( 7 points)
= 96 total ship cost

[ flagship ] Munificent-class Star Frigate (73 points)
- Kraken ( 30 points)
- Projection Experts ( 6 points)
- Cluster Bombs ( 5 points)
- Linked Turbolaser Towers ( 7 points)
= 121 total ship cost

Munificent-class Star Frigate (73 points)
- Projection Experts ( 6 points)
- Cluster Bombs ( 5 points)
- Linked Turbolaser Towers ( 7 points)
= 91 total ship cost

= 0 total squadron cost

JJ used used uncanny Ywing powers to shepherd yet another faction to greatness.

Acclamator I (66)

• Bail Organa (28)

• Clone Navigation Officer (4)

• Flight Controllers (6)

• Reserve Hangar Deck (3)

• Expanded Hangar Bay (5)

• External Racks (4)

• Implacable (4)

= 120 Points

Acclamator I (66)

• Clone Navigation Officer (4)

• Flight Controllers (6)

• Reserve Hangar Deck (3)

• Expanded Hangar Bay (5)

• External Racks (4)

• Nevoota Bee (5)

= 93 Points

Consular Armed Cruiser (37)

• Clone Captain Zak (5)

• External Racks (4)

• Swift Return (3)

= 49 Points


• Plo Koon (24)

• Anakin Skywalker (19)

• 4 x BTL-B Y-wing Squadron (40)

• 4 x V-19 Torrent Squadron (48)

= 131 Points

Total Points: 393


The top 16 ladder:


Player Rank W/L TPs MOV/SOS
Beanicus 1 (swiss-11 ) 4/0 0 0/0.00
JJs Juggernaut 2 (swiss-6 ) 3/1 0 0/0.00
MandalorianMoose 4 (swiss-8 ) 2/1 0 0/0.00
CaribbeanNinja 4 (swiss-9 ) 2/1 0 0/0.00
Roald 8 (swiss-2 ) 1/1 0 0/0.00
cadetvw 8 (swiss-3 ) 1/1 0 0/0.00
RealVeers 8 (swiss-4 ) 1/1 0 0/0.00
Darth Veggie 8 (swiss-16 ) 1/1 0 0/0.00
PT106 16 (swiss-1 ) 0/1 0 0/0.00
ginkapo 16 (swiss-5 ) 0/1 0 0/0.00
Explosive Tooka 16 (swiss-7 ) 0/1 0 0/0.00
Irishmadcat 16 (swiss-10 ) 0/1 0 0/0.00
emfrank72 16 (swiss-12 ) 0/1 0 0/0.00
Mala 16 (swiss-13 ) 0/1 0 0/0.00
Louis-André 16 (swiss-14 ) 0/1 0 0/0.00
Tokra 16 (swiss-15 ) 0/1 0 0/0.00


I'd like to thank everyone that participated. Everything proceeded smoothly and we had a lot of fun.

A new Vassal event is in the works. Information will be made public in all the usual places.

(I had to pop in a post this before the forum closes.)

Edited by Green Knight

Congratulations to @Beanicus !

And many thanks @Green Knight for hosting this spectacular event!