New App Bug or is this intentional?

By KingmanHighborn, in X-Wing Rules Questions

Apparently it's saying it's an error to give veteran turret gunner to the VCX when Hera is the pilot. If it's intentional it's garbage.

Edited by KingmanHighborn

I assume you've added the Turret upgrade already (to satisfy VTG's prerequisite of having a Rotate action)?

If so, definitely a glitch.

It’s not just Hera. It won’t let you add VTG to anything that adds a turret. It will let you add it to something with a native turret like the Falcon.

Sounds like a glitch that doesn’t recognize you’ve added a turret.

Okay I'll wait before angry kitty mode is engaged and hope it's a glitch.

The new app isn't adjusting the action bar to include actions added by upgrades.

New app also isn't allowing upgrades-which-grant-upgrade-slots to add those slots. Seems like everything any upgrade does to a ship's requirements isn't working.

the worst part about the new app is that it no longer works as a card database. the new search function is good, but the app doesn't show you the actual cards as images, which would let you include them in forum posts and such. i don't want to go back to the fandom wiki for doing that, since that doesn't work properly anymore either.