Translation misprint on "Dark Charm"

By Edo77, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


the german OL-Card "Dark Charm", which is included in the standard deck, is declared as an "event"-card. The "Dark Charm" from treachery-deck (don't know which extension it is...) is declared as "trap".

As I'm playing as Spiderqueen in RTL right now, it is important for me to verify if I can use "Dark Charm" from the standard OL-deck like a trap card. (and therefore picking it as one of the two starting traps for my upgrade).

Thanks in advance


I checked my german edition and you are right, I never recognised this before.

This I found in the FAQs:

Overlord Cards
Q: Does Trapmaster add wounds to attacks resulting
from traps like Dark Charm and Mimic, which activate
creatures instead of dealing wounds?
A: No.

I think it should have been named "trap" in den german edition of the base game. Although it does not sound like a trap but more like an event.

I just remembered a website that describes the OL-Cards:

Dark Charm seems to be a trap in the original english OL-deck. That will definitely surprise my heroes next time gran_risa.gif

Thanks for the reply,


But if it is a trap, the rules for traps should apply, meaning the target of this trap can role a black die and nothing will happen if he/she roles the blank side. This makes the Dark Charm less dangerous. I think, I will stick to german (misprint) version gran_risa.gif

errm, whether it is a trap card or not, the text on the card still states:

"...The chosen hero player must roll one power die. If the result is blank, nothing happens..."

Or am I missing something?


Indeed you are right. I should have read more carefully. I think, we skipped this part in our play sometimes, as everybody seemed to "remember" the card text, which was obviously a false assumption. Good for the OL demonio.gif

There's no core rule that says that heroes can always escape from a trap by rolling a blank. Many trap cards give that opportunity, but if the card doesn't say the hero gets to roll, then he doesn't, no matter what type of card it is.

For example, Mimic is a trap card, but there's no chance to avoid it when played; you always have to kill the chest to acquire the treasure.

Dark Charm, however, specifically gives the hero a roll to avoid it.