Problem with Base Magnets

By robertpolson, in Painting

I purchased this set of 6x3 magnets and Magnet Sheets with Adhesive .

The good news is that polarity does not matter. The bad news is that these magnets are not flush with the base and the magnetic force is no strong enough to hold them in place. I also glued a bunch of these magnets to bases already after testing single mini which was okay but the rest don't hold well.

Adding another 1mm magnet makes it so that the base is slightly elevated so that is that not an option.

I think that the problem is these magnets are N35 and N52 may be a much better option. I just worry that N52 magnets may repel each other when the bases are next to each other.

Put the figures into freezes, remove the magnets, re-add the magnets with green stuff to elevate them?


Edited by robertpolson

Magnet + magnet or magnet + metal = good. Magnet or metal + polarity doesn't matter magnet = not as good.

Edited by robertneaves

I placed my miniatures into a freezer and used the pliers to take off the glued magnets.

Next step is to use a sandwich approach with green stuff:

1. A drop of super glue on the base

2. Green stuff ball

3. A drop of superglue on the ball

4. Push the magnet into the green stuff ball.

Green stuff will fill in the 1mm gap and bring the magnets closer to flush.

Tried with two minis and they hold well to the magnetic sheets.

I also use 6x2 magnets, and have never had issues with minis being held in place. I also don't use green stuff to bridge the gap. However, I am using steel sheets rather than magnetic sheeting, so that might be the difference.

I only use 3x1.5 magnets but also use steel sheets for my main storage. I made some smaller trays with magnet sheets but things definitely do not stick as well to those.

7 hours ago, Lochlan said:

I also use 6x2 magnets, and have never had issues with minis being held in place. I also don't use green stuff to bridge the gap. However, I am using steel sheets rather than magnetic sheeting, so that might be the difference.

How thick? 28 gauge steel sheets?

Which magnets did you use? N52?

Edited by robertpolson

Magnetic sheets are not very good,they just dont have enough strength. Just use 26 gauge steel

I just received 6x2 mm N52 magnets and tried with one mini. It hold on to the magnet sheet significantly better than the N35 magnets that I have.

So here is the guideline:

N35 + steel sheet = good

N35 + magnetic sheet = too weak

N52 + magnetic sheets = good

N52 + steel sheet = too strong