So I've struggled with Separatists since I've started playing... All I've been able to get to work is swarming 6 vultures with 2 Belbullabs.
I'm still a little underwhelmed by the new options. The HMPs are nice to finally get some beef, but the defensive capabilities of Seps have felt lacking for me.
Anyways, I'm trying to finally get away from Seps, but I don't understand how to get good lists with them.
Looking to move away from that, I'm trying the following list to try and incorporate the new ships. Is this list completely trash? If so, please let me know. Are there any small tweeks anyone can suggest? Thanks!
Droid Tri-Fighter - ••Phlac-Arphocc Prototype - 54
••Phlac-Arphocc Prototype -
Predictive Analysis Protocol
Elusive (3)
•••Discord Missiles (4)
Afterburners (6)
Firespray-class Patrol Craft - •Jango Fett - 92
•Jango Fett -
Simple Man
•Lone Wolf (5)
Cluster Missiles (4)
•Zam Wesell (4)
Droid Tri-Fighter - ••Phlac-Arphocc Prototype - 54
••Phlac-Arphocc Prototype -
Predictive Analysis Protocol
Elusive (3)
•••Discord Missiles (4)
Afterburners (6)
Total: 200
View in the X-Wing Squad Builder