How do you decide which base color (ring) to paint? Does the circumference reflect the terrain surface? Just use black? Different for Imperial and Rebel?
Please share your ideas.
How do you decide which base color (ring) to paint? Does the circumference reflect the terrain surface? Just use black? Different for Imperial and Rebel?
Please share your ideas.
Personally I use black for everything. I have seen many people use different colors for each unit to keep units organized on the table.
I personally use different colors on each of my units so I can tell which is which. Makes it a lot easier on me.
2 hours ago, Bigbboyd said:I personally use different colors on each of my units so I can tell which is which. Makes it a lot easier on me.
Can you please elaborate. I have not played the game yet. Painting at the moment. The stormtrooper unit card has four figures in it. Does this mean that you pain four stormtroopers with red bases, four with blue, and so on? What about leaders and the fifth trooper recruitment?
What about commanders?
Edited by robertpolsonI always use black, It's low key and doesn't clash with your basing or the mini as well as keeping a nice sense of consistency throughout your army.
15 minutes ago, Atromix said:I always use black, It's low key and doesn't clash with your basing or the mini as well as keeping a nice sense of consistency throughout your army.
How do you keep track of the units belonging to specific squad on the board if all troopers have the same base?
58 minutes ago, robertpolson said:Can you please elaborate. I have not played the game yet. Painting at the moment. The stormtrooper unit card has four figures in it. Does this mean that you pain four stormtroopers with red bases, four with blue, and so on? What about leaders and the fifth trooper recruitment?
What about commanders?
In my imperial Army, commanders are bronze, operatives are gold, full squads of everything except Stormtroopers are solid colors, and specialist (repair droids, Comms techs, medics) are white. All my stormtrooper heavy weapons or specialist are also white. My 4 5 man squads have different colored bases. I find it makes it easier at a glance to tell which unit is which, especially when they are right next to each other in gunline or on objectives.
43 minutes ago, robertpolson said:How do you keep track of the units belonging to specific squad on the board if all troopers have the same base?
I have a different letter written on the underside of each squad just in case but to be honest I haven't really encountered a situation where squads got mixed up or I was unsure of which models belonged to which unit.
I paint the ring a different color for each faction. Imperials get light gray, rebels bright red. I haven't painted any of the Separatists or Republic yet, so haven't decided, but Republic will probably be blue, and Separatists, i haven't given any thought to yet.
I keep track of units by how I paint the miniatures themselves. For example, here's what my 3 boxes of Snowtroopers look like (I painted them as Galactic Marines instead)
Two boxes of Royal Guards:
Two boxes of Deathtroopers:
I've taken to using the Brown (Vallejo: Earth) as the base color for my bases and the Rims. In the ancient days I used goblin green or black but I found I like how the brown blends with a lot of earthy mats and still sets the minis off form the terrain.
I personally don't like to mark the units by doing the whole rim in different colors, it makes an army feel very chaotic and I like the look of a cohesive army and the bases really do that for me. So I use a vertical stripe on the back of each mini for unit marking.
On 11/24/2020 at 8:40 AM, robertpolson said:How do you keep track of the units belonging to specific squad on the board if all troopers have the same base?
I paint part of each model in a unit with a specific color, with each unit getting a different color. For example, on my B1s I paint the shoulders and upper chest of each Trooper with the unit color, then on unit leaders I also paint the back of the head, and on heavy weapons I also paint part of the backpack. For my six units I have jade, terracotta, red, blue, purple, and yellow.
I use a complementary color to the basing im using and then i either paint colored bands like on ly droids or use a silver marker and right numerals likebfornmy empire
10 hours ago, samuraisolomon said:I've taken to using the Brown (Vallejo: Earth) as the base color for my bases and the Rims. In the ancient days I used goblin green or black but I found I like how the brown blends with a lot of earthy mats and still sets the minis off form the terrain.
I personally don't like to mark the units by doing the whole rim in different colors, it makes an army feel very chaotic and I like the look of a cohesive army and the bases really do that for me. So I use a vertical stripe on the back of each mini for unit marking.
I may take on your style. Back for imperial and Earth for Rebels. Just two colours? No commanders or special forces colours?
Yup I just use one color for all my forces. But I will switch to black or dark grey for my CIS and GAR, when I do them. I'm going to use the premium bases. Although I've been toying around with half covering them in dirt to make it look like an old or damaged building/ship floors... then I'd use brown too.
I leave it unpainted, as the reddish-brown of the rebels is quite pleasant
On 11/24/2020 at 5:40 AM, robertpolson said:How do you keep track of the units belonging to specific squad on the board if all troopers have the same base?
I'm not painting my Clones but I'm having the person painting them use different armor markings for each Phase 2 squad. My Phase 1 Clones use different colored plants on their bases for squad identification. Phase 1's are being painted up as the 501st Legion and the Phase 2's are being painted up as the 332nd Company.