My App's dead...?

By Larky Bobble, in X-Wing

Hi forum,

I can't access the factions in the squad builder part of the app. Nor my saved squads. Do others have the same issue? I'd imagine it's a maintanence or points change (I hope).

I really don't want to reinstall it...

The official app is completely buggy and I always run into problems with it. YASB 2.0 or LaunchBay Next app are just simply better and well-maintained.

Hmm, my LaunchBayNext and YASB are working fine.

It'm still "logged in" in the app but it's like it's lost contact with the server. It can't load anything

This online cloud crap is so annoying. Why can't it keep data in my phone!?!

Thanks for the alternatives. Do they Android the app now? I couldn't see yasb there...

YASB is browser only. But LaunchBayNext is probably the best app based list builder.

I'm having the same issue. It won't let me log in.

1 hour ago, reqent said:

I'm having the same issue. It won't let me log in.


The death of the old app and the rebirth of the new (AMG-made/AMG-connected?) app has begun.

Hopefully this means we are getting the long ago promised revamp of the squad builder along with the inclusion of Epic ships and points prior to the handoff to AMG.

I'm logged in but when I try to access my squads on my Android phone it kicks me back to my phone's home screen.

Edit: I tried logging on through the web based app via my computer and got a "The X-Wing Squad Builder is temporarily down for maintenance. We'll be right back!" Hopefully this means we'll be getting a much needed content and points update.

Edited by T70 Driver

Looks like a new web-based app is up. Just clicked through my usual link and there is a brand-new login screen with a holo of Admiral Ackbar.

There has certainly been an update. Looks mostly similar though functionally. Still poking around.

Edited by Frimmel
12 hours ago, Darkseider said:

Hopefully this means we are getting the long ago promised revamp of the squad builder along with the inclusion of Epic ships and points prior to the handoff to AMG.

Looks like you was right!