It is still very early after RRG 2.0 dropped and a lot is in motion. Still, what do you think will be the future meta lists? I'm interested in lists that can succeed on the most cutthroat level and which we will be complaining about in 2-3 months 🙃 .
They lost a lot with the update. The meta-lists did not only lose 30-40 points (~an activation) but also 5-6 Aim Tokens for the alpha strike and standby-sharing for defense. That will shake things up.
- Commander: Rex is still good and will probably lead most armies. But since he lost a lot of punch, Obi-Wan becomes attracive again. I could even see Aayla Secure become a thing.
- Operatives: R2 will still be a regular but not a staple any more. C3PO will be taken more often. Padme can still share standby, people might make use of that. I could even see her with Aayla Secura as Commander
- Corps: Phase IIs will still be the go-to guys. But Phase Is with heavies are now in good pricing relative to Phase IIs and will be an alternative to keep activation counts high. Fives in there for courage and order. I could even see clone Captain/Specialist plus DP-23 for Alpa Strikes.
- Special Forces: Strike teams will still be everywhere. Double-Full ARC is gone, an occasional single one might still be a thing (with Padmes standby for example)
- Support: The slot remains dead
- Heavy: Tank is super viable. Mostly paired with Rex or even just Padme.
- "Rex-Star" will still be a thing, but it will not rock competitive anymore
- Tank lists will be popular. One Tank with either Rex or Padme (+ R2) and Clones.
- Obi-Wan will get a come-back. Probably as solo hero (maybe R2) supported by Troops.
They are the big winner of the update. They didn't get changed themselves but GAR was hugely trimmed and also the meta-units of the Civil War factions got slight nerfs.
- Grievous and Dooku will still be equally taken. But we have a new arrival: Tank-Commanders, I think these will be a very popular and successful pick.
- Operatives: Maul is still mostly unexplored but the possibilities are endless. I think he pairs well with a Tank-Commander so he gets a moving cover making him a bit less terrain dependent.
- Corps: 6 B1s will still be the standard. There will be the occasional B2, especially after the tactics droid hits the shelves but ultimately coordinate will win here.
- Special Forces: BX are the most balanced special forces unit. They will be used as Sniper teams, Full squad with sniper and even full naked squads.
- Support: STAPs will be in many lists
- Heavy: Tanks will be all over the place
- Tank lists will be dominant, with either commander or Maul or even no Character at all (once the new generic Command-cards are out), supported by full B1s and STAPs/BX
- Force Centered lists are an alternative, usind either Dooku or Maul (or both!) as centerpieces, filling the rest with B1s and BX
They got the most buffs to unused units but I don't think any of those will actually be dominant in competitive play. Rebels got the most buff of Clones getting nerfed (making privious builds viable again)
- Commander: Cassian will still be popular (though he got a minor hit losing turn 0 tokens). Luke will get a comeback (maybe I'm biased here because this is my favorit unit). The occasional Leia might be there as well.
- Operative: R2 will still be a thing, especially paired with C3PO. Rebels want dodges more than ever. Sabine wil also be more popular again (she got a minor buff with the darksaber discount). K2 is still great in Cassian Lists.
- Corps: Some minor discounts and rules buff to Veterans. But I fear, 3 naked trooper will still be the go to choice with Medic Droids getting more popular again.
- Special Forces: Most updates here but probably with little to no impact (I hope I'm wrong though!). Sniper-Teams will remain a staple to Rebels. But I see Mandos strong in competitive. Clan Wren with Sabine is awesome. Still not sold on Regular Mandos but multiples of them have a good alpha stike, target saturation and objective play.
- Support: Tauntauns will be back! They won with Clone-Castles getting nerfed but they also lost 5 points and extra dodges from scout/Leia-push. AT-RTs are still solid and a cheaper and more reliable option.
- Heavy: Still a hard pass. We might see the occasional taxi-shannanigans but ultimately they will disappear again.
- Cassian (maybe Leia) lists with high activation count (R2, K2, 3 naked corps, 2-3 snipers, 0-1 Mandos, 2-3 AT-RTs/Tauntauns)
- Mando-centered Lists. Leia (maybe generic) plus Sabine and Clan Wren and 1-2 extra Mandos.
- Luke Lists with Tauntauns and or Mandos, maybe even Wookies
Also Empire got the main buff from GAR geting nerfed. Apart from distracting buffs, empire also got a 5 point increase in the Shores+Mortar combo as well as 5 points for Aggressive Tactics.
- Commander: Iden will still be the go-to gal. She does a lot for her points, though she synergizes very little. Veers (and Krennic to a lesser extent) will be the second option for non Iden-centered lists.
- Operatives: There will always be some Bounty Hunter lists, I doubt that they will succeed on high level though.
- Corps: Snowtroopers and Stormtrooper heavies getting a discount is nice and all but as long as Shores+Mortar is cheaper than the other options with a heavy, they will remain dominant.
- Special Forces: 1-3 sniper teams will remain the main special forces unit. Paired with Iden I could see 1-2 ISFs.
- Support: Probably still rarely used (after initial playing around with Dewbacks).
- Heavy: AT-ST will see more play. It is still a threat and combined with the all critical corps empire can actually take on armor. There will be some play with the Tank as well (better transport and he got a setup buff so he can overlap the deployment zone, gaining a few inches as well as protecting his weak spots). Who could say no to a mobile flame-thrower? But I don't think it is reliable enough to be a dominant piece.
- Iden Versio (with or without ISF) and Shoreline.
- Veers/Krennic gunline (Shoreline, Sniper, 0-1 Deathtrooper, AT-ST or Boba Fett or Speeder Bikes)
1) CIS
2) GAR/Rebels
4) Empire