Stressed out Rebels

By Minimono, in X-Wing Squad Lists

So I was thinking about the old Cassian+Braylen synergy. And I tried to figure out what other pilots on the rebel team would benefit from having Cassian there. This is what came to mind. It Should have Cassian doing something every turn. Having K-2SO able to sit on the spot and just to the full stop move turn after turn is also nice.

What you think?

(52) Braylen Stramm [A/SF-01 B-wing]
(3) Autoblasters
(2) Stabilized S-foils
(3) Hull Upgrade
Points: 60

(51) Cassian Andor [UT-60D U-wing]
Points: 51

(41) Jan Ors [HWK-290 Light Freighter]
Points: 41

(46) K-2SO [UT-60D U-wing]
Points: 46

Total points: 198

or second option:

Stressed out Rebels v2

(52) Braylen Stramm [A/SF-01 B-wing]
(0) Jamming Beam
(2) Stabilized S-foils
Points: 54

(51) Cassian Andor [UT-60D U-wing]
Points: 51

(41) Jan Ors [HWK-290 Light Freighter]
(7) Leia Organa
Points: 48

(46) K-2SO [UT-60D U-wing]
Points: 46

Total points: 199

Edited by Minimono
10 hours ago, Minimono said:

So I was thinking about the old Cassian+Braylen synergy. And I tried to figure out what other pilots on the rebel team would benefit from having Cassian there. This is what came to mind. It Should have Cassian doing something every turn. Having K-2SO able to sit on the spot and just to the full stop move turn after turn is also nice.

What you think?

(52) Braylen Stramm [A/SF-01 B-wing]
(3) Autoblasters
(2) Stabilized S-foils
(3) Hull Upgrade
Points: 60

(51) Cassian Andor [UT-60D U-wing]
Points: 51

(41) Jan Ors [HWK-290 Light Freighter]
Points: 41

(46) K-2SO [UT-60D U-wing]
Points: 46

Total points: 198

or second option:

Stressed out Rebels v2

(52) Braylen Stramm [A/SF-01 B-wing]
(0) Jamming Beam
(2) Stabilized S-foils
Points: 54

(51) Cassian Andor [UT-60D U-wing]
Points: 51

(41) Jan Ors [HWK-290 Light Freighter]
(7) Leia Organa
Points: 48

(46) K-2SO [UT-60D U-wing]
Points: 46

Total points: 199

Intriguing. Whatever you do, make sure you get the Pivot Wing Configurations equipped to those U-Wings!