Poison River - A Daidoji Shin Mystery

By KakitaKaori, in L5R LCG: Lore Discussion

Just started it. I love the bodyguard in the first scene....

"Aren't you going to protect me?"

"No, you started this bar-fight of your own free will - provided they don't try and stab you, I'm happy to watch them kick the snot out of you. If you do get killed, I will of course, avenge you."

Grrr. This isn't available in the UK until next year (admittedly not that far off now). I've still not got my hands on Cursed Honour .

I know. I got the ebook off the play store.

Kasami continues in fine form (" I'm sure the Lion aren't considering killing me just yet" "Why not? They've met you... ")

Really hope this does become a series.

“I would like proof before I ruin a man’s livelihood,” Shin said. He turned. “I could accuse him, yes. Tetsua would be obliged to take my accusations as fact. Saiga would have no recourse. That is the way the law works – my word against his, and the word of a bushi always outweighs that of a heimin.”

“And so?”

“And so, that is not justice.”

“It is the law.”

I appreciate a character willing to call out that difference. Our look at Kaeru Toshi is a lot like Toshi Ranbo. In the cities, the expanded middle class helps blur the lines between rich heimin and poor samurai, until a bushi decides to exercise their privilege.

Today I received Curse of honor and Poison River. In the end of the Posion River book it is mentioned that Daidoji Shin will return in Death's Kiss. I haven't seen anyone mention this before, but Death Kiss is going to be released in June 2021 according to Amazon. Well I'm happy with more L5R stories :D

This is an step up from the previous one; I quite liked it. I found some mistakes, one particularly embarrassing the description of a go game, where the players are "moving" the pieces, like it was chess or something. It was something easily fixable, if somebody had just looked at it. I hope too it becomes a series.