I can be for whatever reason, you liked painting it like its keywords whatever. my favorite keyword is marksman and I like inferno squad (unique one) and dewbacks are cool on the board.
what is your favorite unit and keyword?
25 minutes ago, Geekboy75g said:I can be for whatever reason, you liked painting it like its keywords whatever. my favorite keyword is marksman and I like inferno squad (unique one) and dewbacks are cool on the board.
Scale is my favorite Keyword. On General grievous or BX droids it's an absolute hoot. GG was my favorite but I'm learning to love the action econ of BX droids with gas mines and swords.
End round in base contact with a LoS blocking impassible terrain piece under range 1 tall with enemies on other side.
Next round, activate BX droids:
Action 1: [Before or after a move gain a free clamber action + move action (clamber) to go up and over the impassible terrain, end in base contact with enemy unit, free attack from charge]
Action 2: Chuck a gas mine in LoS at Range 1of as many enemy units as possible.
Laugh in Roger Roger
Favourite Unite: What ever I have finished painting and can field with a good amount of fluff
Favourite Keyword: Fun!
Unit: AAT. Beast of a unit!
Keyword: I'm torn between Critical X and Scale.
Unit: Palpatine. I just love playing with super Royal Guards flying all over the board
Keyword: Definitely Scale its so much fun
As far as painting goes, Padme was super fun to paint. An especially zen experience, that one. B2s were really satisfying to build and paint as well. Arcs have been fun thus far.
The AAT looks super cool on the board.
Keyword wise, I dunno. Gunslinger is pretty sweet.
Droidekas ever since TPM I have always loved those prolly pollies, enough that I have 3 units of them. They are great fun when run in a big squad like that.
Keyword: tactical with my play style I often find myself having to run and gun so the ability to get a free aim from a move is amazing
B2s. I adopted the 2:1 ratio of rebel to fleet troops early on and have had fantastic success with it. Fleets aren't as good anymore (or are they?), but B2s solve all their problems and I do the same now with the B1s and B2s. Also any Republic Commando player knows why these things are awesome.
I'm not terribly attached to any keyword, but indomitable on Woolies has straight up won me games on hostile environment where there was next to no terrain.
BXs. Always thought they were the coolest things ever in the CW animated series and when they came out in legion I was overjoyed that their rules reflect their nature as a versatile and deadly force to be reckoned with.
As for keywords, Its difficult to pin one specific keyword down but I find Scale and Steady are both quite fun and can be used for all sorts of shenanigans.
For me it has too be Bossk. I love his cards and play style. For keywords I really like Jump. Especially on Boba.
Bossk was my favorite to paint, Vader or Dooku favorite to play.
As far as keywords go, I really like how all of the clone wars era force users get their own lightsaber fighting style keywords. Its a smart and thematic way to show that back then lightsaber dueling was a high art form. Compared to the OT or sequel era when its more raw and unrefined becuase a lot of the direct training has been lost.
Favorite Unit: X-34 Landspeeder, not because it is a good unit but because the painting and modeling experience is more unique, varied, and customizable compared to most other units
Favorite Keyword: Pierce X for how strong it is and how it makes lightsabers feel like lightsabers
I'm torn between Sabine and Jyn, byt I usually play them both, so hey - why not both?
As for keywords, I love Danger Sense. I know, it's swingy, bu it can make you so unbelievably tanky for a Rebel
Favorite unit Death troopers, the navy seals of Legion
Favorite keyword and most hated Pierce, love when my opponents roll too hot, hate it when for once i can roll average and my rolls get pierced
My Steady Snowtroopers.