The Mystic>Seer talen forewarning has just been taken by one of my players and I have questions. I understand what it does but not when it can be activated. Must the player wait for combat to begin so that they can take an action to use the talent? If so then it would only affect those later than them in the initiative order. OR can it be used in advance of a combat, such as when the PCs are preparing an ambush, about to kick off in a fight or upon entering a scary area where they think there might be trouble. If so, how long does it last?
I'm kind of thinking that you need to be in combat to make it work. It's quite powerful and you won't get to affect the whole party all the time unless you have an outrageous initiative roll so that will be the counter balance.
Also, theres very little text around how long it would last and out of combat use which indicates that it can't be triggered in advance.