Genesys Shadowrun Campaign Podcast

By GhostS9, in Genesys

Due to the Covid thing our group moved from table to online and we decided to record our games. We chose Shadowrun which I have loved for many years as a setting and my players are in love with Genesys rules. The Success Failure mixed with advantage/disadvantage has really brought out some great RP from the Players. Started with 2 for the first adventure then a regular cast of 3 with a guest player here and there. Can't wait for Edge Studios to be up and running so we can support the system and grab some more books. In nearly 40 years of gaming Genesys is my favourite system. long live Genesys!

So if your looking for something a bit different using Genesys then this Slice of life adventure in a Dystopian future might be something worth a listen and a laugh.