So using a promotion at a local store I got myself the VCX-100. Since I had the Hotshots for a while and I really like the Alexsandr pilot ability in the Ghost, I decided to look into some list building with the bully. And... I am in a bit of a bind right now. I have two lists, but not really sure what to think about them. If anyone with more experience could offer some advice?
- Alexsandr Kallus: FCS, Magva Yarro, Ion Cannon Turret, Veteran Turret Gunner (90)
- Benthic Two Tubes: Perceptive Copilot, Contraband Cybernetics, U-Wing (56)
- Edrio Two Tubes: R3 Astromech, Advanced Proton Torpedoes, Contraband Cybernetics, X-Foils (53)
- Alexsandr Kallus: FCS, Magva Yarro, Ion Cannon Turret, Veteran Turret Gunner (90)
- Garven Dreis: Baze Malbus, Veteran Tail Gunner (56)
- "Dutch" Vander: R3 Astromech, Skilled Bombardier, Seismic Charges, Ion Cannon Turret (53)
One has a lot of action economy on the X-Wing and I especially like the fact, the U-Wing can stop and still engage the X-Wing. But the VCX mostly relies on the enemy shooting him to engage double mods. Although the 4 primary followed with an Ion threat is a big no no to anyone in the scopes. The second one has the benefit of being all I4. Garven in the ARC-170 can be quite fun. Baze can give him more Focus tokens for the potential double tap, which engages his pilot ability some more. "Dutch" is mostly a support ship threatening with some Ion as well and dropping bombs to create rough terrain for the enemy. I am considering the Concussion Bombs that are coming out soon, as they are the same price. And "Dutch" can drop and reload to prevent carpet bombing.