Alexsandr Kallus list?

By Schanez, in X-Wing Squad Lists

So using a promotion at a local store I got myself the VCX-100. Since I had the Hotshots for a while and I really like the Alexsandr pilot ability in the Ghost, I decided to look into some list building with the bully. And... I am in a bit of a bind right now. I have two lists, but not really sure what to think about them. If anyone with more experience could offer some advice?


  • Alexsandr Kallus: FCS, Magva Yarro, Ion Cannon Turret, Veteran Turret Gunner (90)
  • Benthic Two Tubes: Perceptive Copilot, Contraband Cybernetics, U-Wing (56)
  • Edrio Two Tubes: R3 Astromech, Advanced Proton Torpedoes, Contraband Cybernetics, X-Foils (53)


  • Alexsandr Kallus: FCS, Magva Yarro, Ion Cannon Turret, Veteran Turret Gunner (90)
  • Garven Dreis: Baze Malbus, Veteran Tail Gunner (56)
  • "Dutch" Vander: R3 Astromech, Skilled Bombardier, Seismic Charges, Ion Cannon Turret (53)

One has a lot of action economy on the X-Wing and I especially like the fact, the U-Wing can stop and still engage the X-Wing. But the VCX mostly relies on the enemy shooting him to engage double mods. Although the 4 primary followed with an Ion threat is a big no no to anyone in the scopes. The second one has the benefit of being all I4. Garven in the ARC-170 can be quite fun. Baze can give him more Focus tokens for the potential double tap, which engages his pilot ability some more. "Dutch" is mostly a support ship threatening with some Ion as well and dropping bombs to create rough terrain for the enemy. I am considering the Concussion Bombs that are coming out soon, as they are the same price. And "Dutch" can drop and reload to prevent carpet bombing.

By dropping ARC-170 Garven to x-wing Garven and dropping some upgrades you can fit in Jake to make it a 4 ship i4 list.

Four good rebels

(68) Alexsandr Kallus [VCX-100 Light Freighter]
(1) "Chopper"
Points: 69

(47) Garven Dreis [T-65 X-wing]
(0) Servomotor S-foils
Points: 47

(40) "Dutch" Vander [BTL-A4 Y-wing]
(5) Ion Torpedoes
Points: 45

(36) Jake Farrell [RZ-1 A-wing]
(2) Predator
(1) Deadeye Shot
Points: 39

Total points: 200

Edited by missileaway

There was this (Hyperspace!) gem from the Mustafar Galactic Championship Qualifier:

Alexsandr Kallus (68)    
    Passive Sensors (2)    
Ship total: 70  Half Points: 35  Threshold: 7    
Jake Farrell (36)    
Ship total: 36  Half Points: 18  Threshold: 2    
Han Solo (79)    
    Kanan Jarrus (12)    
Ship total: 91  Half Points: 46  Threshold: 7    
Total: 197

Presumably, you fly up and Passive with Kallus, then hand him a focus with Jake (because it's not a coordinate!). Now you can hit people with a triple-modded 3-dice attack from Han and a 4-dice double-modded attack from Kallus. Sadly, the list wasn't on stream so I have no idea what it actually behaves like; if the pilot is on these forums somewhere I'd like to hear from them too.

I'm not sure what the list is doing with the 3 points of bid; personally, I would go Hull Upgrade on Kallus and Deadeye Shot on Jake, or maybe Chopper or Zeb Crew on Kallus.

This did pretty well at Coruscant. I'm not sure whether Kallus would work better than Hera, but it would be interesting to try, plus you'd have some extra points to spend on something.

Dash Rendar + Bistan + Perceptive Copilot
Hera Syndulla + Intimidation + Advanced Sensors + "Zeb" Orrelios + Saw Gerrera