What skill for Insight

By cvallinie, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

Hi all,

Yesterday I was GMing a homebrew game. I am enjoying making my own adventures so far. But as the characters came up to a stranger, I felt the need for them to roll "insight" or "empathy" in order to read the body language. To see if they read fear or reluctance in the NPC.

I could not map any skill for this reading the various descriptions in the rules.

What skill would you use?

Many thanks in advance


Discipline is used per RAW to counter Deception.

However, in Genesys they switched it to Vigilance.

So either Discipline or Vigilance (I'd lean toward Vigilance myself).


I've generally leaned towards Vigilance even prior to Genesys, in spite RAW uses Discipline. Picking up hints/cues that somebody is being less-than-forthright always felt like it belonged in Vigilance's wheelhouse, though I guess in the original design phase the writers felt that using Vigilance (the most commonly used skill for initiative) was putting too much emphasis on said skill.

A case could be made for Perception if the PC is *actively* trying to determine if they're being lied to, but Perception is already a well-used skill so I'm a bit hesitant to add even more to what it can already do.

Thanks. I thought of Perception but reading the description suggested it was more about Seeing and Smelling senses rather than empathy as such.

I can try Vigilance.

What is RAW?

RAW stands for Rules as Written. It's the rules stated in the book and often compared to RAI which is Rules as Intended.

If the target was trying to hide their condition, I'd make it either a Deception check on the part of the NPC or a Discipline check on the part of the PC(s).

If the target is not and it's just a matter of picking up on the body language, I'd probably make it an Easy, maybe Average Vigilance. If they are intentionally scanning someone for body language rather than "picking up on it" I'd have them roll Perception instead.

I'd lean towards Perception, as it's linked to Cunning rather than Willpower, and I think Cunning is closer to "insight" than Willpower is.

Many thanks. I think that's settled :)

My two credits: I'd be tempted to use Cunning + Vigilance here. (The rules say you can mix up the Skill & Characteristics combinations, right?)

That's a great point angelman2

Thank you

If it were me . . . and it is . . . I'd use the Perception skill for Star Wars.

That's actually the skill that you would use in practically any other RPG too. (And IRL).

I thought it odd that D&D 5E decided to introduce 'insight' as a unique and different skill from Perception. Especially since it did so well to streamline and keep D&D 'simple.'

Discipline makes sense to me. Keeping your composure and carefully understanding what the other person it actually trying to communicate to you (or not communicate to you), and training your mind to not accept things as they are presented.

Otherwise, maybe a contested Deception check? You can't B.S. a B.S. -er after all.