Arquintens back in stock!!!

By phoenix7000, in Star Wars: Armada

Just now, ianediger said:

Imperial Arqs can get to 5 easily with slaved turrets/enhanced armament and a confire dial. Add in an obstructed shot with Romodi commander and you get 6.

Yes... but with this I get to yell "I have the high ground!" 😁

Awesome, thanks for the heads up! Just snagged the Arqui & Raider just to make sure I don't miss out on them. Will wait for the ISD and Starhawk to show up in my favorite store, and maybe get an additional Arqui&Raider if they show up there, as well.

Edited by takfar

Ive always loved the arq but with recent upgrades i think they are in a really good spot.

My favourite build is the light cruiser with expert shield tech, cluster bombs and linked turbo towers. (Most of my games i still face pretty nasty squadrons) This lets them operate on a flank and they can deliver a nasty shock to marek

1 hour ago, phoenix7000 said:

ahh.. yep I sort of forgot about all that 1.5 stuff, I do think it is plausible that there will be other things utilizing the "focus" system, it would be super cool to have a card that let you turn some of your Venators port guns forward. Like Rotating Heavy Turrets or something like that could be thematic, and more dice movement could be something we see more of in the future ( I know I'm going out on a limb).

Something that oh, say, let's you *swivel* those port guns forward, hmm?

Just EST/LTT/RBD and they're darned hard to kill and quite combat effective.

Edited by Formynder4
6 minutes ago, Formynder4 said:

Something that oh, say, let's you *swivel* those port guns forward, hmm?

Essentially, such a movement was shown quite a few times in the show. Maybe something like " you may focus 2 die from your right and left side to your front". This would mean you could make the Venator a broadside ship, and then have to pay an additional say... 10 points to make it behave like a typical destroyer, and give it a lot of fun and flexibility.

Edited by phoenix7000