Question concerning the Star Wars: Adversaries website

By Broopa, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

So in just a few days here I'm gonna be moving house. I'll be keeping the same computer, but my internet connection will be different.

What I want to know is how any custom NPC's I've made are saved; all that I know is that I can't send a link for anyone to look at any of my custom NPC's, and I can only view them on this one device. If moving locations were to somehow kill my computer, and therefore anything I've made on there, how do I backup my current NPC's into a file or something I can upload to the cloud?

And here's a link to said website

Thanks :)

Edited by Broopa

You should be able to click an 'export' button, that will save the data as a .json file. You can then send that to another device and reimport it on the site.

I haven't done the above myself, but that's my understanding of how it is intended to work.

Alright, I should have another device to try that on, thanks!