I‘m playing this list and enjoying it:
Fenn Rau + Outmanoeuver 74
Ketsu Onyo + Shadow Caster 68
Old Teroch 56
Total: 198 pts
Really fun !
I‘m playing this list and enjoying it:
Fenn Rau + Outmanoeuver 74
Ketsu Onyo + Shadow Caster 68
Old Teroch 56
Total: 198 pts
Really fun !
Thanks for posting. What's your thinking on the best talent for Fenn Rau? A lot of people go with Fearless but I've heard others argue that Outmaneuver encourages better flying. I've never been too sure of this. It seems to me that Fenn is more likely to be getting in someone's face ...
You've obviously gone for Outmaneuver - what's your reasoning?
Just to say, I like Outmanouevre Fenn, but I dislike naked Teroch. Fearless on both seems a nice swap, this squad jousts like boss.
Otherwise, Predator can reward arc dodgy Fenn and allow Crack Shot Ketsu, as well as Fearless T. Albeit with 1pt less bid.
I imagine it's great the way it is, but may need to lean on Fenns arc dodge when variance bites the other 2....
I like Predator for fangs, giving all 3 ships Predator seems better than giving 1 ship Outmaneuver. That said Old T does like Fearless more than other fangs, and it's quite nice on Ketsu too, harder to line up bullseyes with a large base, even if you have the ability to tractor close ships before shooting...
I actually tried both versions: fearless fangs and Outmanoeuver Fenn + Naked T.
I prefer Outmanoeuver Fenn, because as you try to arc dodge, your attacks are harder to counter and you get less shot at.
Fangs have only 4 HP and jousting can be risky when facing tough ships.
I’ll probably try other talents combination for this same list but, Outmanoeuver Fenn is great 😉 👍
As a whole, I would prefer Fearless on Terry and Predator on Fenn. Rolling one less green die is good, but there are so many turrets or multiple arcs these days. Both are offensive upgrades which help you hit harder, outmanoeuvre is good, but worthless if you can’t hit or are in an arc. 6 points is a lot to pay.
I’ll try today the following list:
Predator Fenn
Predator Ketsu (+ shadow caster)
Fearless Teroch
199 pts
Edited by ToniwanGot murdered by the Empire
Vador, Soontir, 2 obsidian Tie and a Alpha Interceptor 😅
I shot Vador and a Tie but lost Fenn and Ketsu (soontir and the Alpha had 1 Hull left and Terry lost 2HP)
jousting with Ketsu was a mistake: 2 shields and 5 HP in the first fight 🩸
Edited by Toniwan