2.0 Character Tracker App Update.

By Spidey NZ, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

Hi there Chaps. long time no post. 2020 has done a number on the world, what with cancelling Imperial assault and also the whole virus thing. that being said looks like potentially 2.0 version of the Character tracker app is delayed and probably not releasing this year.

The Character Tracker app was a project for imperial assault that i put together with an app developer as a research project and managed to publish it to the App store. it was a way of tracking progress of heroes, collect stats and have the characters portrait change as they levelled up and got more experience .

you can see images and progress of my development here https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/imperialassaultapp/?hl=en

Recently I have had two of my Developers/coders pull out. (or i ran out of funds to keep them working on it or interested in it.)

Im looking for another one at the moment, but the Good news is all Art and wireframes are complete and it is just a lot of variables and data entry and implementation left.

It was suggested i do a funds drive to help potentially raise some cash to get it done. so i will post here and do a donation drive on my twitch also, where i Animate/illustrate on stream.

Streaming : https://www.twitch.tv/spideynz

help the project : https://www.mikeglasswell.com/app

thanks very much for all the interested parties and players.

Thanks for the update and the work :)