So i wanted to pick up my old rebel intimidation list that i built around Horton Salm with ion double tap and give it an overhaul to make it more competitive. here's what i ended up with:
Wedge Antilles (55)
Swarm Tactics (5)
Ion Torpedoes (5)
Servomotor S-Foils (0)
Ship total: 65 Half Points: 33 Threshold: 3
Heff Tobber (44)
Intimidation (3)
"Zeb" Orrelios (1)
Leia Organa (7)
Pivot Wing (0)
Ship total: 55 Half Points: 28 Threshold: 4
Arvel Crynyd (34)
Predator (2)
Intimidation (3)
Ship total: 39 Half Points: 20 Threshold: 2
Jake Farrell (36)
Predator (2)
Ion Missiles (3)
Ship total: 41 Half Points: 21 Threshold: 2
Total: 200
The idea is pretty simple: We have two powerful ionizers (Wedge and Jake) and two powerful blockers (Heff and Arvel). Te ionizers set up the bumps, and after the bumps you can 100 to 0 almost every ship in the game in a single turn. Why?
1. Both Heff and Arvel get double mods after they get bumped;
2. Intimidation and the bump means that the opponent's defense is at it's worst;
3. Wedge can also get double mods with the help of Jake, and Jake himself can setup his double mods without much trouble if the target is ionized;
4. The cheeky Swarm Tacticson Wedge means that him and Heff can Initiative kill almost anyone after a bump turn.
The big advantage that this version has over Horton's version is how much more independent each ship is. Obviously Wedge and Jake are very solid pieces, but Arvel against lower initiative ships is too good, and his value probably jumps to about 60+ points in those scenarios. The most synergy dependant piece is Heff, but his role in the list is inherently supportive, and i don't think that's an issue. Just the fact that he carries Leia means that he is the most likely to go first.
That's where i'm at right now, interested to see what you people think of this