Prologue .
If you have a passing familiarity with my post history, when I say Asajj, Latts, Unkar, you possibly know where I'm going with this....
So last night, with future X Wing looking distant, I grabbed the opportunity to put what is possibly the Final Form on the table. The result, a resounding plus plus plus and the majesty of it securely cemented in my mind.
Point changes have been charitable to this thing and so it has gone from strength to strength. It now stands as near enough my favourite, most pride inducing creation. But also, easily my most horrible, destructive and feared. A strange difficulty, knowing that to inflict it on people is the most selfish decision I can make when preparing for games....
In the beginning, there was Bus.
I had a crawl through my topic history and found that I hadn't ever really given it it's own dedicated thread. However, almost a year ago, I did post an Asajj, Latts, Sunny topic. The very start of the journey.
Previously, I had been running Jabbanetic Latts, alongside Kad Solus and Old Teroch mostly. The high point being a last ditch variance swing defeat to the final 1.0 Euro Champ, Ben Lee, running trip Jedi. A lovely fellow I have the pleasure of playing with, semi regularly, at local store tourneys. The Bus at this point, had proven to be a thing to dread, garnering a little local reputation of it's own.
Asajj, Force of Her Own.
I then picked up a Lancer and immediately took a shine to Heightened Perception Asajj. Trying her out, with some success, with those same 2 Fangs, but also with Swarm Fenn and a Recruit, more recruits and 2x Bounty Hunter apparently, which I have no memory of....
Obvious thing, naturally, combine the big girls...
And so, the starting point, this snip from that original topic, dated Dec 8. A glimpse at how kind the point changes have been-
Latts Razzi
[YV-666 Light Freighter]
(6) Jabba the Hutt
(12) Han Solo
(3) Contraband Cybernetics
(4) Trick Shot
Points: 84
Sunny Bounder
[M3-A Interceptor]
(2) Autoblasters
Points: 32
Asajj Ventress
[Lancer-class Pursuit Craft]
(4) Foresight
(3) Contraband Cybernetics
(3) Shadow Caster
Points: 84
Total points: 200
This would be 184pt in today's money...
I'd gone 3-1 with this at a tourney that wknd and was feeling pretty smart about it. Particularly since this was my first ever foray into flying 2x big bases. Nevertheless, I packed it away for a bit and moved on to other things.
And Then.
Asajj remained in my plans, I really, really enjoyed her and was keen to get under the bonnet and figure her out properly.
Jan 26, I posted a topic 'What to do with Asajj?' . An informative discussion followed which ended up really covering the evolution into what the list is today. In the middle of that, some big point drops occurred and provided it with a big leg up.
I more or less stumbled into what I now regard as one of my favourite ship builds in the game. With 12 extra points to spend, I flung up my hands and put them all on Asajj. Most notably, the inclusion of Hate. Shuffling around made room for 0-0-0, 2pt spare went on Electronic Baffle. Testing pinged up a bright green tick. And lo, the screamingest banshee was birthed.
Also This.
Around this time, the UKSO happened, so I took the 2 big beauties, added Capt. Seevor for an experiment, and lined them up for Sunday's Ext event. Unfortunately, a rotten storm had our Squadron make a run for it after 2 games, for fear of being stranded in Milton Keynes. A fate worse than death.
I'd utterly squashed a Ryad, Vessery list and had an ALMIGHTY game against a Sloane swarm. The 2nd, I really feared, but an error in Latts position, stopping in doubt rather than moving to set up a better position, was really all that kept me from doing some major work against it. I ran it very close in spite of that, Asajj tore them to pieces but simply had a little too much to do. I was emboldened!
However, such is the rotten power of the squads debuffs, Seevors ability was mostly wasted in both, plus another test or 2. Not exactly best use.
Triple Threat.
Given another opportunity to unleash it at a mid sized tourney in late Feb, (With none other than the World Champ mixing it with various luminaries and us local jokers), I added the clutch piece that is Unkar Plutt. At the time, I hadn't tried him before and didn't really know what kind of impact he'd have. Couple of practice games proved decisive.
Whereas Sunny and Seevor were cheap distractions, flung out to be possibly ignored and provide irritation, or to just waste time being killed, Unkar was my agent provocateur. A key piece, impossible to ignore, a spearhead that unless seriously dealt with, will set up all the unpleasantness that follows in his wake. And if not dealt with, able to make it all 10x worse!
My 1st couple of games that day were against what I'd regard as it's hardest counters, BEEF. In the form of 5xY and 4x T70. Nevertheless, expecting the worst, I came away from 2 close games feeling like I could have won both, but for a touch of ill luck.
Dropping down into an objective based side event, I mercilessly crushed all 3 opponents and came away with some sweeet templates
Oh dear, Dash.
The Final Form.
The last point adjustment gave me yet another 5pt to spend. Nothing particularly stood out to me that would up the power level, it was already more or less complete. Those points have a few places they can go. A shield on Latts would be alright. Rigged Cargo for Asajj would add a thing, but also a complication for her. 0-0-0 gels with Asajj far too neatly. But.... Pattern Analyser on Unkar is clearly a winner. It does give up an extra handful of points when he dies, but NVM. Tempting to give him a Cloak, his gun is often useless. But it's unreliable and PA, plus Latts early Lock>Tractor provides him with a nice touch of approach unpredictability already.
So here we are,
The Stress Factor.
(69) Asajj Ventress : (5) 0-0-0, (9) Hate, (2) Contraband Cybernetics, (2) Electronic Baffle, (1) Shadow Caster- Points: 88
(56) Latts Razzi : (6) Jabba the Hutt, (10) Han Solo, (2) Contraband Cybernetics, (4) Trick Shot- Points: 78
(29) Unkar Plutt : (5) Pattern Analyzer- Points: 34
Total points: 200 .
And so, at last, we come to its most recent outing. A 200-34 win over 5A, flown by an obviously charitable friend who has some experience of the horror. And is now even more keen to not experience any more of it.
And his Zizi Tlo, about to suffer a similar fate to virtually every other ace that has crossed it's path, despite riding some Heroic greens.
So clearly, I think it's a powerful list. I have to admit, some of that power is wrapped up in the whole "Gotcha!" element, the various triggers and controls being difficult to keep track of and fathom out. It's not a simple list to approach, at all.
I'm not a fan of leaning into that at all, and generally have to stop myself short of telling people how to play against it. A) I'm not 100% sure I'd be right, and accidentally misleading folks would be worse than leaving them with an open mind to figure it out. B) That's the point of the game, innit.
The control elements it has are as strong, or stronger, than any I've seen. At its heart, it's 2 survivable ships with a choice of defensive mitigation, or full offensive mods. Most 2 (/and a bit) ship builds use high Init to limit incoming fire. This uses control instead, it's as simple as that.
I do now have fairly solid ideas at this point, about where my pieces need to be in relation to each other and the opposition. And with those ideas, I feel that most people, given a decent, flexible squad and a few reps against it, would be able to figure it out and give themselves the upper hand. I welcome that, I really enjoy the challenge of bringing unfancied things together and testing them against strong meta staples. I think this lot, even as a known factor, have the tools to do a job, if I play everything just so.
But if I make a mistake, it's mostly very not good. Which is 2 ship territory all over.
Unfortunately for some, I appear to have created a bit of a monster, and I now know pretty well what I'm doing with it....