New Scoure and Infested Marine cards

By Stefan, in StarCraft

Hi there,

one quick question: the new cards for scourges and infested terrans have attack-values higher than zero and the sacrifice ability. How do they work now exactly? They explode at the end of combat if they can attack the other unit, ok, but do they need to have sufficient strength in order to destroy it? And if they have and are destroyed themselves, is the attack still succesful?

If the Scourge fights against an air unit and if the Infested Terran fights against a ground unit they are destroyed at the and of the combat. It does not matter if they have enough strength to destroy the opposing unit, but if they have enough strength they will destroy the opposing unit. In the rules I saw an 9/6 Scourge/Infested Terran card, while in the overview in the rules it is given that the attack of the Scourge/Infested Terran is between the 7 and 8. So attack power will not be a problem.

I'm more confused than ever by that answer, sorry ^^

Oke, sorry for that. I try to explain more clearly.

If a Scourge fight against a flying unit it is destroyed at the end of the combat, if the scourge has enough damage to kill the opposing flying unit it is destroyed as well. If the scourge fights against a ground unit it does not have to sacrifice itself at the end of the combat.For infested Terran the same applies but then for ground units.

I found a number of inconsistencies in the overview sheet presented in the broodwar rules were all the maximum and minimum values of all the units were presented.

OK, then it is like I expected. Thank you very much!

Hi there,

I still have some questions concerning the sacrifice-rules of the infested terran/scourge in Broodwar:

1. I cant see any meaning in the attack- and defense-values...If the scourge is strong enough to defeat the enemy flying unit or not and if it dies or not doesnt matter at all... anyway the enemy flying unit and the scourge both die, because the scourge doesnt have to survive to trigger suicide in contrast to the core-game.

> the combat values would make sense if there was for example one scourge against two scouts. the scourge can defeat the first scout with his attackpoints. afterwards the sacrifice ability can be triggered to KILL the SECOND SCOUT !?!?

2. the sacrifice ability is now bound to the unit and not on the combat-card anymore. so you can use any combat-card you want to trigger sacrifice? overpowered?

This applies to scourge and infested terran of course.

anybody help?

1. "Sacrifice" ability itself does not quarantee that you will destroy anything for free (like without expansion). Now you need to have the same or more Attack like/than opponent's Health (you can't kill two units by one Scrouge, its suicide won't even trigger Splash Damage).

Scrouge needs its Health values if set up in skirmish vs ground units only (to have a fair chance to survive - before the expansion it was a perfect guardian for important areas, thanks to its ridiculously huge Health values on cards).

2. It's not overpowered, because other cards would provide much lesser Attack values (up to 6, while Scrouge cards vary from 7 to 9 in Attack).

Thanks for the quick response,

I think I found my problem thanks to you cyb3k - I've read the FAQ and manuals in german and english and there is no word about when and how to kill the opponent FLU with sacrifice. But thats ok because sacrifice-ability only applies to the unit with that abilty and not to the enemy unit. So the sacrifice-ability itself in Broodwar is only a disadvantage.... you just have very powerful combat cards for cheap units which automatically die when they are able to attack the opponents FLU.

Great, thanks a lot