Fan video

By leonnex, in Star Wars: Rebellion

Hi there! Need your help. I am an aspiring motion designer and want to make a fan video about Fantasy Flight Games. I want to include in the video various board games from this publisher, including Star Wars. Tell me why this game appeal to you. And I will be very grateful for the more detailed answers. Tell me why you like these games, what they are associated with, what colors and details may be associated with it. Thank you in advance for your answers)

On 11/2/2020 at 6:15 AM, leonnex said:

Hi there! Need your help. I am an aspiring motion designer and want to make a fan video about Fantasy Flight Games. I want to include in the video various board games from this publisher, including Star Wars. Tell me why this game appeal to you. And I will be very grateful for the more detailed answers. Tell me why you like these games, what they are associated with, what colors and details may be associated with it. Thank you in advance for your answers)


Why this game appeals to me? the answer could be just two words: Star Wars 😁

This game is in my opinion the one that better represents the original trilogy, it's just Star Wars in it's pure essence and I think that any fan of Star Wars would like it. I let's you recreate the galactic civil war between the Rebels and the Empire with possible new twists, like for example Palpatine could succeed in turning Luke to the dark side and the Empire player could use Luke to fight against the rebels. Or the rebels can make a heroic move to take Coruscant from the hands of the Empire (an extremely hard task but if the Empire player neglect to protect it, it can be done with a good play) and start gaining a lot of reputation to finally provoque a full scale revolt againt the Empire.

There are just too many variables and you can't just stop having fun with this game as the gameplay is great too. The assymetry lets you really immerse with the faction you are playing. If you play with the Empire, you can produce tons of units and can expand easily through the galaxy, gaining control of planets and more resources as you search for the hidden rebel base. As the Rebels you have and choose your battles carefully with the limited number of units compared to the Empire, but if you play well you can prevent them from finding your secret base while gaining enough reputation to make the rest of the galaxy rise against the Empire and win the game.

All in all, for what I said earlier, it's a game that any fan of Star Wars should have.