XAAA - First look at HoH cards

By EbonHawk, in X-Wing Squad Lists

Zizi Tlo (41) (zizi with Starbird spice, i figure 2/3 shots with 1 less green is better than a single crack shot)

Heroic (1)

Starbird Slash (1)

Advanced Optics (4)

Ship total: 47 Half Points: 24 Threshold: 2

Nien Nunb (55)

Backwards Tailslide (2) (like the combination you get with Nien and OD thruster, from his focus to Red boost, meaning you either evade your pursuer or gain double defence mods when shot)

Pattern Analyzer (5)

Overdrive Thruster (5)

Integrated S-Foils (0)

Black One (2)

Ship total: 69 Half Points: 35 Threshold: 4

Greer Sonnel (36) (Best placed to use Starbird slash imo as she gets a free rotate, so less time stressed and harder to movement guess)

Heroic (1)

Starbird Slash (1)

Advanced Optics (4)

Ship total: 42 Half Points: 21 Threshold: 2

Zari Bangel (35) (action economy, blocker)

Heroic (1)

Starbird Slash (1)

Advanced Optics (4)

Ship total: 41 Half Points: 21 Threshold: 2

Total: 199

It might be worth trading Black One for Daredevil on Nien, or dropping Starbird on Zizi since Zizi won't always know where a ship will be to fly over because the high initiative.

Zari seems like the ideal Starbird Slash carrier since she doesn't mind driving into people, so she will likely be in places where she will be driving over someone anyway.