Hey folks, new to the forum, have been playing Elder Sign + Unseen Forces for a while. Just picked up Gates of Arkham the other day.
I've noticed something weird with the 'Ancient One' cards (I may have the lingo wrong there - the 'villain' card basically). Some of the GoA ones have an exclamation mark on them to indicate they can't be used in 'regular' play. This bit makes sense. It's the two that
that are puzzling me (Yibb-Tstll and Ghatanothoa)
Both of these are supposedly suitable for use in 'vanilla' play (ie ES + UF)
they have portal icons on their doom tracks. I can't find anything in the rules that tells me what to do with these. Should they be interpreted as regular doom, or monsters?
Any insight on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys